Monday, June 9, 2014

Reasons Why My Daughter Dislikes Me

Life with a four year old is no walk in the park.  As a baby, E was headstrong and totally independant.  Each year, she grows more and more in to her personality and that brings more and more challenges.  Some days I have no idea how I survived, others she is the sweetest girl around.  Lately I've just decided to write down the things that would usually drive me crazy - and laugh about them instead.  So, I present to you, "Reasons Why My Daughter Dislikes Me", by E.  All of the following resulted in a four-year-old meltdown, over the course of one week:

- I wouldn't let her have donuts and jelly beans for breakfast.

- I told her that bottles were only for babies. (She wanted her water in A's bottle)

- She wasn't allowed to watch Frozen more than once a day.

- I asked her to use the restroom before we left for the store.

- Her crayon broke, and I didn't have another one the exact same color.

- Dad left for work before she woke up. (This was apparently my fault)

- Charlie (our dog), ate her cracker.  (That she put right in front of his face)

- I wouldn't let her play outside during a thunderstorm.

- I told her we were going to run an errand to the post office.

- We ran out of vanilla yogurt.

I like to tell myself that her personality will get her far in life.  That her stubborness and knowing what she wants will be traits that help her be successful and make great relationship choices.  I know that most of these meltdowns are a result of her not being able to handle her emotions yet, which is why I have hope that this isn't my life forever.  My good friend told me that she is getting this out of the way now so that she will be a great teenager, so I'm choosing to believe that.

Until then, I am holding on to this sweet, sweet little girl that every once and awhile shines through.  You are welcome back full time, any day E.

Today I am linking up with Emily from Ember Grey for Grateful Heart Monday.  Even if some days E and I feel like oil and water, I am forever grateful to have her as my daughter.  Everything about her is perfect for me, for our family, and I wouldn't want it any other way.... except maybe some more "I love you"'s than toddler attitude. :)

Ember Grey


  1. I can add so many reasons why my daughters don't like me either. Parenting is hard. Stay strong. I keep telling myself someday my girls will see why I set these boundaries and rules. Being a mom is tough and amazing at the same time!

  2. I think perhaps your E and my Bug have similar personalities...I do envy your ability to at least *know* why you're seeing E's outbursts. Bug's only got 15 words in her repertoire so far, so unless it's because I didn't give her 'cheeeeese' or let her put on her 'shooose' to go outside, I can only guess what I've done each time. (I know, with the ability to talk will come even more challenges...) And if it helps at all, to Anne's point, I constantly thank my mom and dad now that I'm an adult, for their discipline and how they were strict with us. I may have been frustrated by it as a teenager, but now that I have lived in the world, it makes SO much sense to me and I see they were just trying to make sure I didn't get hurt or make very bad decisions. Parents are the best!! So our kids will think so too :) I wholeheartedly believe that!

  3. haha you seee??? Girls I tell ya! I was a stubborn kid as well. Not a bad kid but just stubborn and asked a lot of questions. I think she'll turn out just fine (I think I did ok ha) and her stubborness will pay off!

  4. Hi there! Stopping by from GHM link-up. I think the best reason is the one about jelly beans and donuts for breakfast. Haha, kids are too funny!

  5. I can totally understand being frustrated with the "not being able to watch Frozen more than once a day." Come on moooommm lol! ;)

    Happy Monday and I love your new blog design!

  6. This is going to be a hilarious story you tell her when she's 16 and you won't let her go on a date with a boy you haven't met yet.

  7. :) This is the best. haha!!! Oh goodness. My bff's daughter is going through the same right now... it's very "colorful" in their home, ha! You're doin' a good job, Mom!!! ;)

  8. It's true what your friend said. I've heard that before and when I was a baby, I was the best baby in the world and then I gave my mom a hard time during my teen years. So hang in there! :)

  9. Us moms are so horrible, huh?! My daughter gets so angry when I don't let her have lollipops first thing in the morning. So mean I am!

  10. I'm loving these! What a tough cookie you've got on your hands. ;) I don't know how you keep a straight face with some of the things I bet she says.


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