Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bachelorette Party Cookies

Bachelorette Parties are a great time to get together with your friends, spoil the bride with new lingerie, and celebrate her last night as a "single" lady. (Truth - I never really understood this, as obviously you aren't single if you are engaged, right?)  You can usually spot a Bachelorette a mile away - thanks to the huge blow-up "willies", sashes, crowns, and general garb.

If you didn't see this post, this past weekend was my sister's Bachelorette Party.  She is not the type to parade about town with the items mentioned, but I still wanted to do something that signified the festivities.

About six years ago, I went to one of my best friend's Bachelorette Party and was in awe over some cute cookies one of her friends made.  I decided to give them a go, and they were surprisingly easier than I thought they'd be!

All you need is a heart shape cookie cutter, frosting, and sugar cookie ingredients.
First, you have to have a good sugar cookie recipe.  I used this one, from In Katrina's Kitchen.  Once you've rolled out the dough, use a heart shaped cookie cutter to cut shapes. 

Before you put the hearts on the cookie sheet, use a knife to cut the bottom, pointed part of the heart off.

Bake according to the recipe you are using, and cool completely.  Once they are cooled, it's time to decorate!  I used these Wilton Ready-to-Decorate cans.  They come in a variety of colors and frosting tips, and because I don't own any cake decorating supplies, these were perfect.

I used the small, circular tip and just drew on some underwear!  Get creative - it was really fun to decorate, and the cookies were delicious!

As is the norm around here on Wednesdays, I am linking up with Anne for Wednesday Wishes.  I had so much fun making these that I am wishing for more time to bake.  And someone to eat said baked goods, so I don't eat them all. Also, I think it would be really fun to take a cake decorating class - I've already looked in to the details, now I just have to find time!

What are you wishing for today?

Love the Here and Now

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  1. Haha! Those are awesome love them!! What a good idea to use the heart cookie cutter for perfect 'lil butts.

  2. Too funny!! I bet everyone loved them! :)

  3. How funny!! Great idea for a bachelorette party! Wish I had more time to bake too but glad I don't. Lord knows I can't resist a sweet. They're my downfall. As always, thanks for linking up!

  4. Those are hysterical. I wonder if I should take those to my brother's fiance's bachelorette.... hahaha!

  5. Those are so cute and clever! May have to try that out one day.

  6. These look awesome! I have to try it for the next bachelorette Im at!

  7. oh my gosh, these are so cute! what a great idea for a bachelorette party!


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