Meet Me

New Here?  These were my top posts of 2014. 

I hope that you find something to relate to here.  I love meeting new bloggers and finding new blogs to read, so please introduce yourself!


  1. Just found your blog, and let me tell you- we have LOTS in common! I don't know when or how or even why, but I am so obsessed with Diet Coke and I also strive to be a DIY-er! Happy to have found your blog!

  2. So glad I just found your blog! I am a recovering diet coke addict as well. It was my coffee, and I'm pretty sure my husband was slightly disgusted with how much I would consume in one day...

    I'm not sure what your job is but, it doesn't sound so bad :-)

  3. my first dog was a Boston Terrier! his name was Bailey, sweetest pup on earth. Boston Terriers are so awesome!! :)
    Amanda at Knock On Wood sent me over to you!

  4. I'm really glad you stopped by my blog today! I look forward to getting to know you!

  5. Just stumbled upon your blog and I have loved reading your posts. Can't wait to read more! :)

  6. Hi Meagan! I stumbled upon your blog and saw that you are starting a blogging series. I'm super excited for that-I'm a new blogger and need all the pointers I can get! I think I also saw that you're from Chicago (hopefully I'm not making that up). My family and I recently moved from there but I still love to connect with fellow Chicago people! P.S. I also love reality tv...a lot! :)

  7. Are you from Iowa? Or just go to Iowa? I went to Iowa State, but most of my family is in Iowa.


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