Sunday, June 29, 2014

Influenster TLCVoxBox

I recently signed up for Influenster, and was pretty excited to learn that I would be recieving the TLCVoxBox.  I was pretty excited - as I spend a lot of time filling out surveys on their site - mostly when I had some downtime at work, but it was still nice to see my efforts getting me somewhere.

Here's what was inside:

Ivory Bar Soap: I'm not going to lie, I wasn't too excited about this.  I don't use bar soap, no one in my family does.  I'll have to check Pinterest to see if there are other things I can do with it - otherwise, to the garbage it goes.
Puffs to Go: I don't really have a preference in brand when it comes to tissues, so this was great.  I love this size for my diaper bag.
Shell Fuel Rewards Network: I love a good rewards program.  The gas station closest to me is Shell, so this will be used, if I remember to put it in my wallet.  I used the Cardstar app, so carrying actual cards with me doesn't happen often.
Breyer's Gelato Indulgances: This box included a coupon for a free tub of ice cream.  When I went to the store, they had three flavors: Vanilla Caramel, Tiramisu and Triple Chocolate.  I should have went with my gut here (Vanilla Caramel), but because I had a free coupon I ventured out and got Triple Chocolate.  It was too rich for me.  I usually don't like chocolate ice cream, so I'm not sure why I thought this would be different!
Neosporin Neo to Go: Another item perfect for my diaper bag.  I used it at the park about a week after I got it, and E immediately stopped crying and went back to playing.  Win for me = will be buying again.
Avon Anew Reversalist Express Wrinkle Smoother: I have used Avon products in the past, so I was excited to try this.  I don't have a lot of wrinkles, so that effect was lost on me.  It did feel a little heavy for summertime, but I think it would be better in the winter when makeup doesn't slide off your face.
Overall, I was excited to try most of these products and hope that I have another chance in the future to try more.  And, if you are a mom, nanny, big sister, aunt, spend any time with children, buy yourself the Neosporin Neo to Go!
**I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.  All opinions are my own.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm a tad jealous that everyone but ME are getting boxes. I've done all they've said to do. I got 2 surveys via email and didnt qualify. I've seen mostly things for Moms and so I dont apply. :( bummer I know. I've been on there for 1 yr and 3 mths and nothing yet.

    any suggestions? Do you do things on there daily b/c I did that for a year up until I figured that I was doing it for nothing


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