Monday, June 2, 2014


Friends are special, you all know that.  My friends are no different.  I'm so lucky to have four best friends.  It all began in college - you know, where most great stories begin.

I was moving in to my dorm on a Saturday morning when a girl, draped in a grey blanket, came stumbling in to my room.  "Please tell me you have some Tylenol", she said.  She was clearly feeling the night before and I was her only chance at feeling better.  Luckily, I did have some, and we were instantly best friends.

A few weeks later, while at a party, I hurt my knee and had to wear my leg in a brace for 6 weeks. (I'm seeing a trend here - after all, University of Iowa was named one of top party schools.  No shame here).  I no longer could hop up in to my loft bed.  Katie remembered "the girl down the hall" had a ladder, and maybe I could ask to borrow it.  Hobbling in to Lindsay's room was the beginning of our incredible friendship.

Diane and Katie went to high school together, and although she didn't live in our dorm, we saw her a lot.  She and I ended up being roommates for the remainder of college.  All of my college memories include her, and all of them are great stories for another day!

Cara, the "baby" of our group, is two years younger so we didn't meet her until we were Juniors.  She pledged Katie's sorority and instantly became a part of "us".

We are all very fortunate to live in the Chicago area.  We get together monthly for Dinner Club - where we eat, drink, reminisce and talk about life.  Between us we have 30 years of marriage and 8 kids.  We've been together for 14 years.  I wouldn't know what to do without them and am so incredibly grateful to have each in my life.

Today I am linking up with Emily from Ember Grey for Grateful Heart Monday.  What are you grateful for today?

Grateful Heart Monday


  1. I love friendships like grateful for them as well. Even better, you all still live near each other. Amazing! Happy Monday!!

  2. Oh wow, I love the random ways you all met! That is so awesome that you're all still friends and get together still! :)

  3. I love that quote! You are all so lucky to live close enough to have monthly dinners!

  4. You guys are so lucky to live in the same area! My best friend lives in NYC but luckily we see each other every couple of months!

  5. You are so lucky to have four best friends from college. I stayed home for college and although I made friends I didn't get to make that kind of bond with anyone during my experience.

  6. Loved this and so true about friends who live life with you.

  7. You're so lucky to live close to your best friends!! And good friendship is a great thing to be thankful for, every day! :)

  8. :) I love these kinds of stories... how someone met their best friend. Isn't it funny how sometimes it just takes a little happening and then everything is instant and you've been inseparable ever since?! (That's how it is with most of my closest friends too.) That's so nice you all live close! My bffs are back in Indiana... I sure do miss our girl nights! :)

  9. Girlfriends are the best! You're so fortunate to be so close to them :)

  10. Aww! I love how you all became friends. That's adorable. How special that you still get together. Love that!

  11. L.O.V.E. this story! I'm still very close to my college clique, but we are spread out across the whole U.S. I soooo wish we could get together monthly, so I might be a little jealous!


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