Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Iowa: Home Sweet Home

Every year, when Tim disappears for a week fishing in Canada, I make the trip home to see my parents.  I am not amazing enough to last an entire week all by myself with my children - but my super parents are always here to help!  Truth be told, I'm pretty sure they'd rather have the girls than me home.  Maybe I should plan a week-long trip for myself next summer?  I'm getting off track here...

I love Iowa.  I love that I grew up here, I am proud to say I am from here, and if I could, I would move my family back in a second.  Until that day, I've put together a list of things that makes me love my home state.

-People (outside of Iowa) are surprised to hear that I didn't grow up on a farm, but rather, a city that has a population of over 120,000. I also went to a high school with a graduating class of over 400 - one of seven high schools in my hometown.

-Buying local corn from the back of a truck along the side of a highway is totally normal.  And probably the best sweet corn you'll ever have.

-Ashton Kutcher went to my high school, and also went to the University of Iowa.  He was a Delta Chi.  Whenever it was time for my sorority to steal composite pictures, his was the prize possesion.

-In 2008, the Cedar River flooded and destroyed a lot of Cedar Rapids (my hometown).  All of downtown was under water, and most places that my childhood memories are made of were ruined - including the library.  Watching the town rebuild has amazed me, but I long for the old library, I have so many memories there.

-Field of Dreams was filmed just north of my hometown.  Fun fact - Most people get this famous quote wrong, thinking it is "If you build it, they will come", when actually it is "If you build it, he will come".

-Quaker Oats is in my hometown.  Whenever I drive home, I can smell it - and sometimes you can tell what cereal they are making!

-We don't have any pro sports teams.  Most people here either cheer for the Iowa Hawkeyes (yes!), or Chicago or Minnesota teams. 

I would love to live here, close to my parents, where I grew up.  I know it is not realistic, based on the kind of work that Tim does, but a girl can dream, right?  So today my wish is to make more time to come home, spend time with my parents and take my girls to all of the places that I loved as a child.

I am linking up with Anne from Love the Here and Now for Wednesday Wishes.  What are you wishing for?

Love the Here and Now
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  1. My boyfriend grew up in Iowa, we now live in Ohio. But, it is funny the way you describe it. I really had no idea what to think about how he grew up, I just pictured a small farming town and I was completly wrong!

  2. Love this! I'm from Kansas and feel the same way about "home." No matter how long I've been gone, it'll always be HOME.

  3. My parents re both form Wisconsin and I lived in Milwaukee for 3 years when I was little. I love the's such a different feel from the Northeast. It seems more relaxed, more family oriented. I miss it!

  4. Sounds like such a nice place to live. And glad you have such fond memories

  5. I enjoyed this post. I feel like Iowa is one of those states you never hear much about and I enjoyed learning about where you grew up!


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