Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lemons = Wine

Lately I've been dealing with a lot of "life" things.  I have been busy with work, kids, travel, life in general.  At a few points over the last couple of weeks, I found myself feeling completely overwhelmed.  That's when I start to look for the "one good thing" going on, and that's how I found this gem:

One of the things I've been dealing with is finding a new, temporary nanny.  One day, our current nanny told us she was pregnant - which was awesome, but a surprise.  The next day?  She's on bed rest, leaving us in a pinch because Tim's parents work full time, my parents are in Iowa, and we don't have a back up nanny.  (Side note - I tried to use this as another example for why we should move to Iowa, to be closer to my parents and have free daycare, but it didn't work.  Free daycare.).  We love our nanny, but have been forced to begin interviewing for a temporary and ongoing back up nanny.  So, I turned to, which is how we found our first nanny.  I posted the job on Sunday and so far have had 27 responses.  Sounds great, right?  Wrong.

Of those, I only responded to four.  Only four people that I would consider interviewing and doing extensive background checks on, and then maybe consider hiring.  Of those four, two decided that they couldn't do temporary work, so I am down to two.  But first, I have some advice for those who replied and got a "Thanks, but no thanks" response.

*If you reply only with "Can I bring my three children?", don't bother responding.  First I would have to review your resume, meet you, love you, and then I would maybe consider it.

*Do not send me a paragraph that is one big run-on sentence. 

*Spell check your inquiry before hitting send!  And while you are at it, don't end every sentence with an exclamation point!!

*If your response includes notes like "There is one mark on my background check", why are you even applying to work with children?  Thanks for your honesty, but no thanks.

*I honestly got one reply that said "If you can't guarantee me $25/hr and at least 30 hours a week, I won't be a good match for you."  Well, did you read my post?  Temporary.  Part time.  Pay is negotiable, but I found it a little aggressive to say that upfront.

This week I'm wishing that this process is resolved soon.  I pray that I'm guided in the right direction.  I know that everything happens for a reason, but this is really stressing me out.  It's a hard enough decision to hire someone and trust them with your babies, but when you are sort of forced in to it, it seems worse.  I wish that we meet the perfect person, that the girls will love her, and we can move on.  And in the meantime, I wish that my Mom and friend Diane know how much they mean to me when they drop everything and drive four hours to help next week (Mom), or leave their own babies to help so I can go to work for a very important meeting (Diane). 

Linking up with Anne for Wednesday Wishes.  What are you wishing for?

Love the Here and Now
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