Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Husband Is Iowa-Famous

When I first started dating Tim, ten years ago, I knew three things about him almost instantly - He almost never went to class, but had a better GPA than I did, he was a people person, and he could make friends with anyone around him.  Seriously, we can be out to dinner, sitting at an isolated table in the corner, and by the end of the meal we are making plans with strangers about where to go next.  This guy has the gift of gab - which I normally really adore.

In Iowa, we don't have any pro teams, for any sports.  People like Chicago, Minnesota or St. Louis teams (generally), but almost everyone loves the Iowa Hawkeyes.  Every Saturday, people all over the state sit down to watch them play football.

Tim's personality traits all meshed together when one day in 2004 I started getting a lot of calls about "the boy I was dating" and if he was the one in the Iowa commercial.

My Mom was calling.  My friends from high school were calling.  Friends at college were calling.  Tim had landed a spot on the newest University of Iowa commercial and it was making it's debut.

This all happened because of a random conversation he was having with someone while at work.  They were looking for people to fill spots and he asked Tim to be in it.  It was also the only time that semester that he went on campus, and definitely the only time he wore a backpack. 

The commercial ran for at least four years.  We'd see it during every football game even after we graduated.  After they made a new one, his was lost for awhile.  Until last weekend when it was discovered that his mom had recorded it while it was still on tv!  And, here it is for your viewing pleasure.  (He is at the very end)

His line, "I found my personal best at the University of Iowa" is one I like to quote often, because let's be honest, I am his personal best. :)
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