Thursday, October 2, 2014

My Fitness Semi-Fail

Last month, I shared with you my fitness goals as part of the "Create Your Own Adventure" link up with  Not Entirely Perfect, Keeping Up with Ashley and Cody, and Life According to Steph

My goals and outcomes were:

- Drink 60 oz of water every day for at least one week
I accomplished this one, but once the week was over I slacked a little.  Overall, I am drinking a lot more water, and honestly feel like I have more energy than before.  I also was able to cross this off my 101 in 1001 list.

- Walk or do workout videos for 30 minutes at least three times a week
Major fail.  I went walking maybe twice.  I really need to start this up again!

- Start using MyFitnessPal regularly
Semi-Fail.  I used it maybe 2-3 days a week all month.  I wanted to use it every day, because I know that it works, but weekend trips here and there put a damper on my calorie counting.  Who wants to count calories while on vacation?

- Eat in moderation
I did this!  Not every day, but I wasn't planning on it.  I mentioned in my first post that I can't deny myself any kind of food, but instead of eating an entire pizza, I ate a few pieces and would save the rest for the girls for lunches.  Instead of an entire chocolate bar, I'd have half and hide the rest from myself.  (This actually works - and when it's found it's like Christmas!)

- Really quit drinking Diet Coke
Success!  There was one day that I felt like I really needed one, so I went to McDonald's and ordered a small.  When I pulled up they handed me a large!  I drove off feeling like I won the lottery, until I took my first drink.  It was a regular Coke.  I took it as a sign, threw it out, and haven't had a slip up since.

Overall, the month was a semi-fail.  Some of my goals were reached, others were not.  I am not perfect and see some room for improvement, but everything has room for improvement!

This month's challenge is food.  I'm going back to my 101 in 1001 list for these.

1.  Make homemade pasta
2.  Try a new food
3.  Make one new recipe each week

Wish me luck!  Are you linking up? 

Not Entirely Perfect

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