Another week over - I feel like time is flying by me. Which was good this week because by the time you are reading this, I am on my way to Nashville with my besties!
As always, this week didn't disappoint with good posts. The more blogs I find - mostly from this link up - the more I find myself saving each week!
"But You Don't Look Sick: An Open Letter" by Seriously, Sarah? Sarah has been open and honest with her readers about medical conditions that she faces every day. Her transparency about her day to day struggles is something that I admire and respect. Sarah writes this letter to all of us - in regards to anyone living with medical conditions.
"A Piece of Chicago in Nashville" by The Nashvillian. My two worlds this week collide with Ashley's post! I'd have to say that one of the biggest things I'd miss from Chicago (besides friends and family) would be our delicious pizza. It's rare to find (good) Chicago pizza outside of here! Plus, the photos of her trying to wiggle her ears are hilarious and cute at the same time!
"Walmart in China" by The Rachael Way. Oh, the memories this post brought back. I lived in Japan for a summer while I was a teenager and would often be confused at the English translation of things. I also vividly remember my host family taking me to the grocery store and I would only shop in the "America Aisle". Oreos and Pringles made up my diet that summer.
"End the Mommy Wars" by Dancin' with a Dolly. Jenny hits the nail on the head. No mother has it "easy", regardless if she works full time, part time, stays home, works from home, or does a combination of any of those things. It's time to just support one another!
"Going Natural: Bath, Hair and Skin Care" by Notes from a Newlywed and "Go Natural: Beauty, Skin and Hair" by the Florkens. I've said it before, but I'm really trying to change the way our family uses products. I want to provide them the best possible products without dangerous ingredients, so I really really love this series.
I hope you link up with me for #bloggerlove! If you do, please include at least one post from a blogger other than yourself. If you tweet, tag me so I can retweet!
Don't forget - all ad spots are 50% off until Monday with code NASHVILLE! See them here.
An InLinkz Link-up
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