Friday, October 24, 2014

A Celebration of Life + Blogger Love

This morning, I learned that a co-worker I had at my first "real" job after college passed away last night.  She had been fighting brain tumors for a few years and after exhausting all options, she stopped all treatment and focused on living what was left of her life. 

I haven't seen her in about six years, but reflecting on our short time together only makes me incredibly thankful to have ever even met her.  We worked with children that had life-threatening illnesses, and the positivity that she showed every day was contagious.  Not just to me, but to the children and their families.  It was hard to not feel optimistic and happy around her.  The world lost a beautiful person yesterday, but Heaven gained a beautiful soul.  Rest in Peace, sweet, sweet P.

Moving on to this week's favorites...

This week, my co-host is Linda from A Labour of Life.  Check out Linda's blog for daily outfits and adventures!  If you are interested in co-hosting, check out my sponsorship options.

"Our Freaking Budget" by Keeping Up with the Haney's.  Amanda introduces a new series revolving around budgeting.  I love saving money so I am more than excited to follow this series.  Making budgets is my thing - if only I could get my husband to follow one!

"Things I Hate: Stores Being Open on Thanksgiving" by Life According to Steph.  I understand the concept of "Black Friday", although after a horrible experience, I refuse to participate ever again.  What I don't understand is shopping on Thanksgiving.  If people want to shop on this day, and stores want to make a profit, can't we do awesome sales online?  I would be so sad if I had to leave my family on Thanksgiving to go work, even if I was being paid more.

"Nashville Musings" by A Short Blonde.  Yep, still obsessed with my weekend in Nashville.  This is spot on - comparing Chicago and Nashville, and how incredibly different, yet amazing they both are.  I feel an immediate need to get back asap.

"Saving Elephants and Eating Mexican Food" by The Nashvillian.  How awesome would it be to help out at an elephant sanctuary?  And then stay in an adorable cottage?  Ashley writes all about it.  I also love how she included pictures that aren't completely staged and in the moment. 

Please link up below!  Remember to share at least one post by another blogger from this week.  Link up, visit your co-host and another new-to -you blogger!

All The Joys Friday Favorites
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