Friday, October 3, 2014

What A Week!

Well this week has been one for the books.  The kind of book you burn, because I don't want to relive it.  Of course, things could have been worse - they always can, but it seemed as though the stars were not aligned for me this week.  I'm sure one day I will look back and realize that this was exactly what was supposed to happen - but until then, vodka.

Even while things weren't looking good for me and my loved ones this week, I found quite a few posts that I loved reading.  That is one of the reasons why I love blogging - someone is always having more fun, experiencing better things, eating better food, and I can live vicariously through those posts.  So let's get to some #bloggerlove, shall we?

"The Bachelor Drinking Game" by The Samantha Life, via Venus Trapped in Mars.  I love to watch The Bachelor (but not the Bachelorette) and this game makes it much more fun.  Especially with girlfriends!

"Conversations" by Ember Grey.  Oh, how my soul needed Emily's post.  It was the perfect timing for me, and I am so grateful that she shared that conversation with us.

"20 Awesome Things" by Love the Here and Now.  Anne reminds us that sometimes, the simple things are the best things.  And to make it even more awesome?  She's created a link up for us all to share our "awesome things".  I love little reminders like this!

I hope you'll join the link up this week and share your favorite posts by other bloggers!  Grab the button if you'd like and link up below.  If you use Twitter, tag @allthejoys so I can follow along!

All The Joys Friday Favorites
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