I confess....
... that sometimes, E is allowed to have a few marshmallows in the morning before breakfast. Because, well, it keeps her quiet for at least half an hour so I can get ready.
... A will only drink water from a big girl cup, and even though it all ends up on her and the floor, I give it to her anyway. Kids need water!
... I didnt breastfeed either child. I tried (for a few days) with E. It was horrible so I moved to formula. I felt guilty for months! When A was born, I went straight to formula and didn't feel guilty for a second. "Breast is best", but formula made both baby and this mom happy so, win-win.
... occassionaly E watches more tv than is suggested per day. This was especially true last week when I wasn't feeling well. A took a great nap, and I needed one too. So - E watched a few episodes of Team Umizoomi while I dozed next to her.
... The only vegetable E will eat is carrots. So she has them almost every day.
... Every once in awhile, I will put A down for a nap with her bottle. Two shames here - giving her the bottle in bed, and giving her a bottle. She is "supposed" to only have sippys now. But, well, see above about those.
... I sometimes tell E that I'm going straight to bed too, so she'll go to sleep right away. I then stay up for at least 2 more hours.
... I don't feel guilty about having time away from either of them. Leave for the day and shop alone? Yep. Go to an overnight wedding and leave them with their grandparents? Absolutely. A girls weekend? Sign me up. A week-long beach vacation with one of our couple friends, sans kids? Yes please. Sure, I miss them. But time without them is crucial for me - and they get quality time with their dad and grandparents too.
Any tricks to survive the toddler/preschool years? I'm alllll ears.
Linking up with Anne for Wednesday Wishes.

Holy cow, mama this post speaks right to me. Zander is 4 and Ainsley is 1 (they'll be 5 and 2 Jan and Feb).... so the patience thing: I'm so lacking as well. Why are four year olds SO headstong??? I need to do a post similar to this... you've inspired me, and you're not alone. (pringles for breakfast? sure).
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine what you go through on a daily basis. It's funny what parents tell their children..you going to bed..just to get some peace and quiet.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right - no one has motherhood all figured out! We're all just doing what we feel is best for our kids. And as far as the patience thing... I'm working on that too. The other day LB was grouchy first thing in the morning (when he's usually in a great mood) and threw his sippy on the floor (nothing new). Of course, when it hit the lid came off spilling all of the water/juice out onto the floor. I just had to take a deep breath, walk away, and say out loud "patience is a fruit of the spirit." I never knew until becoming a mama that patience was something I needed to work on. Now it's extremely clear! ha!
ReplyDeleteThen one thing I hate about being a mom is the guilt. We are given an ideal to strive for and it is too hard and near impossible. I miss my kids when I am away but I recognize that it's good for me and for them. It refreshes all of us. Loved this post!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your honesty and realness!! Lately I've been finding myself playing the comparison game, which of course just makes me feel like a bad mom. I love how genuine this post is because seriously...none of us is perfect.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if my comments are working, they seem to disappear! I'm right there with you mama, don't you worry. Bug eats only peas on a regular basis and she tests my patience waaaaaay more than I think an 18 month old should.... !!!