Thursday, August 7, 2014

Drink with Me

Some of my favorites in blogland are the "if we were having coffee" posts.  I have a lot of random thoughts running through my mind so I thought I would do my own version.

If we were having coffee at happy hour, I'd tell you...

... my little sister is getting married this weekend.  I'm full of emotions about it and my mind is totally scattered.  (hence this random post!)  E has a flower girl, me standing up, my Dad walking her down the aisle and his speech.... I will be a hot mess.

... I picked up my bridesmaid dress that had to be drastically altered.  I went to a new place on a whim and a prayer.  They did a great job bringing in the bust area, but the way the dress is cut I feel like it's a little weird in the armpits.  That, paired with an August afternoon and the type of material, I'm totally freaking out that I'm going to get sweatmarks.  Suggestions on avoiding this are highly welcomed!

... Grab another cocktail.  I fully plan on taking advantage of being out of the house with alcohol, sans children.

... I'm stressing out about some things going on at work.  I just wish things would work out the way they need to, but it's totally out of my hands at the moment.

... Even though we decided to wait to move until next Spring, I can't help myself from looking at new houses on Redfin. 

... I tried a new workout last tonight - Tabata.  Ummm, friends?  That was intense.  It didn't seem too awful at the time, but just an hour later I was already feeling sore.  Doing that again for sure.

... Even though I worked out last night, I've been really bad about eating right and working out regularly.  My sweet tooth and the fact that I'm just plain lazy is really working against me these days.

... Cocktail's gone?  How about a shot?  Then we can call one of our husbands to pick us up.  Perfect Thursday afternoon if you ask me.

... I really need new pants for work.  Even though I only go there two days a week, I feel like I wear the same two outfits each week.  I just don't want to spend the money on pants!

So there you have it.  I wish I really was out at happy hour!  Although I'm sure I'll have more than enough cocktails this weekend.   I can't wait to share my favorite posts from others with you tomorrow for #bloggerlove - I hope you link up too!

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  1. How can I resist reading a post with that title! :) I too need new pants for work but I hate pants shopping! Have a great time at the wedding and enjoy your cocktails!
    5 18

  2. Love love love this! {Probably gonna have to "borrow" this post idea!} YAY for your sis getting married. You might try Certain Dri antiperspirant...I remember we always used that during sorority rush to avoid sweat marks on our fitted t-shirts. For some reason, I think (???) you're supposed to use it for a day or two before you actually don't want to sweat, so you might want to look into that today! Hope you have a fabulous time at the wedding this weekend...and enjoy a few cocktails!

  3. Yay for a wedding this weekend! That's so exciting :)

  4. Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about. Now the important question: what would you be drinking?! Now that we're moving, my weekly house hunting via Trulia is justified (because before, it was just kinda weird.... but fun). So I suppose now I'll have to try Redfin! (Laughing about having your hubby pick you up- that's kind of known to be the protocol at our place... if Em has a girl night, X will be picking her up) :)

  5. Stick a panty liner to the inside of your dress where you feel like you're going to sweat. It'll help soak it up

  6. What's Tabata? Never heard of that....It sounds

  7. Aww I hope the wedding was fab! I went to a wedding this weekend as well and loved it!


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