Friday, August 15, 2014

It's a Great Friday!

It's Friday again and I couldn't be happier this week.  We don't have any plans, which hasn't happened in a really long time.  No travelling, nothing set in stone - just time to hang out as a family.  I needed this!

This week's favorites were hard to choose from.  Each week I am finding more and more blogs that I love.  This is good and bad, and only bad because my bloglovin feed is out of control.  As soon as I'm caught up, there are new posts to read!

"A New Idea" by Not Entirely Perfect.  Not only did I figure out that Stephanie lives in Chicago too, but her dog's name (Hawkeye) tipped me off that she went to Iowa as well.  Her new link up is a great idea too - monthly goals, based off of a category that is provided in the beginning of the month.  I love how you can make this your own - and I hope that it helps me tackle more of my 101 in 1001 list.

"Lazy Guide to Eating Healthy" by Jade and Oak.  I've already admitted to being lazy, but also wanting to be healthier - so this post was absolutely written for me.  I can actually use Jackie's tips and apply them to my every day life!

"Fall 2014: New Shows I've Got My Eye On" by Becoming Adorrable.  It shouldn't be a secret by now that I love tv, and my DVR.  Fall is exciting because of all the new shows and return of my favorites.  Becca reviews some new shows for this fall - and I'm excited about "Stalker" and "Manhatten Love Story". 

"Free to Be" by Ember Grey.  Emily writes what I've always felt, but was unable to say.  Why do we let our jobs define who we are?  We are free to be whoever we are, and it's not defined by what we do day to day.  This post was a good reminder to "just be me".

"I Met Brad and Angelina" by Dancin' with a Dolly.  First of all, this post would be amazing if it were true.  But that's just it - it's a post reminding us that not everything we read online or see on tv is real.  Before making decisions and judgements, do the research and find out the truth behind what you are seeing and reading.  Couldn't agree with Jenny more!

 If you want to link up this week, here are the guidelines - share at least one post by another blogger that you loved from this past week, so you can participate in as many Friday link-ups as you'd like. The link-up closes Sunday night. Grab the button too! Also, don't forget to click around below and check out some new-to-you bloggers!

All The Joys Friday Favorites
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  1. Woo hoo! First linker upper! Ha! I swear there are so many bloggers that live in Chicago, and we should defiantly hold a Chicago blogger meet up! And your choices are good ones! I swear, I am so excited to be watching tv this Fall because of Becca!

  2. Good choices on posts! I still think this link-up is such a great one!

  3. I loved Emily's post this week too! Off to check out the others!

  4. Thanks for including my post!! Cannot wait to check out the others. Always love your suggestions!!!

  5. A weekend without any plans sounds so perfect - that's how mine is looking too! (Sometimes you just need to reset and regroup!) Thanks for the blog love, Meagan :) I'm off to check out the others, and will definitely link up again next week!

  6. Thanks for including me! So sweet of you.

  7. yay! Thank you :) I'm so excited you'll be doing the link up with me. We will definitely get some things checked off that 101 list! Checking stuff off mine is such an awesome feeling, like I accomplished something huge. I hope to hit all 101!


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