Friday, August 8, 2014

Happy Friday!

This weekend is a crazy one for me, but I couldn't skip #bloggerlove - there were so many great posts this week!

"The Blog Auction" by Helene in Between.  Little known fact - when Tim and I go to charity events, you can always find us at the silent auction tables, and we always go home with something. I like the thrill of it - and this is such a fun idea!

"So You Want to Take a Barre Class" by Meet @the Barre.  I took years of dance when I was younger, and it's something I've always wanted to get back in to.  My sister just started doing barre classes in St. Louis and I have been itching to try it.  Amanda breaks it down and makes it seem a lot less imitating.  Anyone in Chicago want to join?

"All of the Information" by Venus Trapped In Mars.  I always thought that this slice of the internet wasn't read by anyone I know in real life.  I mean, I don't use my full name, so how could they find me?  It's probably a lot easier than I think, and Sarah breaks it down.  If any of you know me in real life, show yourselves!!

"Find Your Blogging Soulmate" by Emily Finta.  I've said before, I'll say it again - I've found some great friends from blogging.  I love this idea - fill out a quick survey, and Emily will find you a great match.  Win win for finding new friends and blogs to read!

"Virtual Assistants - Paying for Comments" by Seriously Sarah?.  Sarah is so right with this - at what point do you need to have others commenting for you?  Doesn't that take away from your blog, make you less personable?  Couldn't agree more!  For the record, I don't know any bloggers that do this, that I'm aware of, but I'd be pretty upset if I was chatting with an assistant.

So there it is!  If you want to link up this week, here are the guidelines - share at least one post by another blogger that you loved from this past week, so you can participate in as many Friday link-ups as you'd like. The link-up closes Sunday night. Grab the button if you'd like to! Also, don't forget to click around below and check out some new-to-you bloggers!

All The Joys Friday Favorites
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  1. The blog auction is really such a great idea! Great picks as usual!

  2. Thank you so much for the link love!!! Can't wait to hop around all of these links! Have a fab weekend, girlfriend!

  3. these are some great links and I'm honored to be mentioned!! I'm really pumped for the blog auction- thank you so so much for supporting me :)!!!!

  4. yeah so excited that I made the list!!! I hope you try Barre and let me know what you think!!

  5. What a great idea for a link up, Meagan!! And yes, you should try barre! My best friend is an instructor and I love taking her class, it's so fun AND kicks your butt at the same time!


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