Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Currently... Round One

Some of my favorite posts to read are the "Currently" posts, that basically give a quick update without too much detail, most recently on Seriously Sarah? and a hundred tiny wishes.  I feel like my life has been a little scattered lately - with the wedding, work stuff, planning trips and working on house things so I thought I'd stop for a moment and embrace what is currently happening in my life.

Currently I'm...

Reading: Bossypants by Tina Fey.  I'm trying to read more, and have 18 books to go on my 101 in 1001 list.  This is an easy read and I'm enjoying it so far!

Writing: Besides this post, I have a whole list of post ideas I am working through - including a series that I am pretty excited about.

Listening: Nothing at the moment.  Complete silence - which is really ok with me, considering I'm used to screaming, whining, and word for word reinactments of Frozen.

Thinking: About my sister and new brother in law, and how they are relaxing on the beach right now.  They deserve it!

Wishing: Summer would hold on just a bit longer.  Yesterday was in the 50's and I was cold.  There are parts of Fall that I like, but Summer is by far my favorite.

Hoping: For a smooth transition when E starts pre-k next month. 

Wearing: This adorable necklace I got as my bridesmaid gift.  Absolutely in love with it!

Loving: The fact that my husband will watch Big Brother with me.  We don't agree on most shows, but I know that he secretly really likes this one.

Wanting: Big scale = A new house.  Small scale = a nice camera.  #firstworldproblems.  Both big purchases, so if I were to get something right now that I wanted, it would be a diet coke.

Needing: A good night's sleep.  I'm still tired from last weekend, and A has been waking up way too early these days.

Feeling: Content.  Sure, there are always things that could be improved, but overall I am happy.  I am healthy, my loved ones are healthy, and we have everything we could possible need, and then some. 

Missing: Quality one on one time with my husband.  Even when we get time alone, we always feel rushed to get back to the girls.  I'm itching for an adult-only vacation!

Today is Wednesday, which means I am linking up with Anne for Wednesday Wishes.  What are you currently wishing for?

Love the Here and Now
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  1. I totally feel you on the needing more sleep. I feel extremely drained today. Not sure why either.
    Have you read Divergent? (Yes, it's already a movie) but the (series) books are amazing!

  2. I can't wait to hear about the new series you're working on! I really need to invest in a new monogrammed necklace, mine is starting to tarnish.

  3. I love Currently posts...I have one scheduled soon! Ok....desperately want hints on your new series. Can't wait!

  4. I love writing and reading "currently's". It's always good to figure out how life is being focused. Thanks for sharing! It's the best when husband's enjoy watching our shows!

  5. Silence sounds wonderful!! I'm not sure I even know what that is anymore!
    And I think you should totally plan an adult-only vacation! At least a long weekend!

  6. Love the necklace! And that you're feeling happy :) Is E excited about starting pre-k? Emotional for mommy no doubt!

  7. I also enjoy reading these types of posts. What a sweet necklace, too!

  8. Bossypants is a great book! I read it earlier this year and love it!

  9. I love these posts too :) Laughing so hard over your "listening" one and how you're usually listening to Frozen being reenacted. It's a terrifying thought to me but I suppose someone has to be the one and that's usually MOM! :) I'm soooo excited to hear about this new series you're planning!!! I'm with Anne! I want hints! haha!


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