"The Past Has Passed (It's Time to Twirl)" by Ember Grey. If you read one post from this past week, read this one. It's all about finding the one thing that pushes you along. I'm sure Emily's post is going to make a few lists this week!
"Perspective - Get Some" by The Florkens. YES. Even when things seem awful and you can't go on, someone has it worse than you. One of my favorite quotes: "Right now, someone is praying for the things you are taking for granted." This post speaks to that, and is always a good reminder.
"I Was Scared to Have a Boy" by The Contented Wife. Chelsea spoke about what I was thinking when I was pregnant with both A and E. I don't know how to "do" boy things! Secretly, I was afraid of having boys. But, after reading her post, it struck me - a mother's bond is unbreakable, no matter the sex of the baby.
"What Are Your Twitter Habits?" by Seriously Sarah? Confession: I never used Twitter before having this blog. I have a personal account, but never really went on it, and only followed celebrities anyway. Sarah's tips are good to have! Did you know that if you reply to someone, you can use a period before their handle? Then it shows up in your feed! (If I understood that right, haha!)
"2014 Fall Trends for Your Sun Sign" by Simply Sun Signs. I loved this post - Desiree breaks down the trends for Fall by your sign - what you should wear, or what you would be most comfortable in. I love horoscopes and learning more about myself so I loved reading this post as well.
So, what were your favorites? Link up below and share with us. A few rules: Please link to at least one other post (not written by yourself) to highlight another blogger - share the love! Use the button if you'd like and click around to find some other new-to-you bloggers!
I hope you all can enjoy a three day weekend - be safe saying "goodbye" to summer!