Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Little Free Library - Do Some Good

Last week while Chicago thought it was Fall, the girls and I took a walk and went on a "nature hunt".  What we found was not part of nature, but so much more impressive if you ask me.

The concept is this:  "It's a "take a book, leave a book" gathering place where neighbors share their favorite literature and stories.  In its most basic form, a Little Free Library is a box full of books where anyone may stop by and pick up a book (or two) and bring back another book to share." (straight from the Little Free Library website.)
How fun is this idea?  People can make and decorate their own little libraries - and this concept is world wide!  I would have loved this as a child.  Going to the library was a trip that was taken multiple times a week during the summer.  My sister and I would spend hours browsing the selections, often choosing to check out the same book we had just returned the week before.  So, so many memories there.
This got me thinking, though.  How many children don't have the means to get to the library?  I know that a library card is free, but getting there is not.  I think this Little Free Library concept could really be beneficial in those circumstances.  And when they are placed in neighborhoods like my own, it made me look up the organization and realize that you can make donations to help those neighborhoods and bring the gift of reading books to them. 
Sometimes it takes something like this to remind me that my every day activities are a luxury for some people.  My wish for today is this: take the time to find something in your life that others would love to have or experience.  Then, do something to make it happen for that person.  It could be taking the ingredients for your favorite home cooked meal to your local food bank, or donating dog food to your local animal shelter.  Or, dropping off a book or two to your local Little Free Library, found on this  map.

So what will you do?  Tell me, and inspire someone else!

Love the Here and Now

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  1. I've loved the concept of little free libraries ever since I first heard about them a couple years back! If you (or anyone else) wants to do something to make it happen, there are always new projects on Kickstarter funding little free libraries across the country. Or you could start your own Kickstarter campaign for a little free library in your town!

    1. Sarah - Great idea! I would love to fund one in an area that needs it. I'm going to look them up today.

  2. Love this post! I have been weaning to do a free library for our library somewhere in our town. I love the concept. What I love even more is your idea to make something happen for someone else. Such an inspiration and so sweet to do....Off to plan something with my daughters now!

  3. That's so funny, just today in our local paper there was a story about the rise of these, even in our town! I have yet to spot one, but I totally love the concept. Awhile back, my book club members and I gathered some books we each had that we no longer wanted to keep and donated them to the Minnesota women's prison!

  4. I have heard of Little Free Libraries and think it is such a great and cute idea! I have not seen any around here - I might look into that!

    1. It sounds like I'm the only one that hasn't heard of it! Check out the map on their website - it shows all of the locations all over the world.

  5. This is such a great idea! I loved the library when I was a kid and still to this day I book swap with friends. I would love if my neighborhood had something like this.

  6. That is so cute and such an awesome idea. I'm glad you stumbled upon it. I lived near a library so I never had an issue going but I had friends who live further away and this would have been awesome to have in their neighborhoods. Making my way from the Wednesday Wishes link up.


  7. oh my gosh- that's AWESOME! What a cute idea!! I love this post from you- I needed this reminder and will be thinking about it this week and put something into action. Thank you :)

  8. That is such a cute concept!! For both kids and adults!!

  9. I love this idea!! I always tell people when I let them "borrow" a book, I don't want it back- if they loved it as much as I did, they need to pass it along to someone else. I don't want it sitting on my self like a trophy. :)

  10. What a fun idea!!! This is way too cool!


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