Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Favorites - A New Link Up!

Today's Friday Favorites is an exciting one for me because it is the first time I am making it a link-up!  I love finding new blogs and thought this would be the perfect way for all of us to find some new reads.  I know that there are a lot of Friday link-ups, so the rules for this are simple - share at least one post from this week that you loved.  That way you can combine content and still share with the rest of us.

Let's get right to it -

"GOMI Monster...." by My Cup of Sparkle.  Let's be honest - if you are a blogger, you at least spent a few minutes on a certain thread this past week.  It's easy to get sucked in to this, but this post reminds me to just let it go and move on!

"That Awkward Age" by Dancin' with a Dolly.  YES.  This describes me perfectly.  I feel like I am stuck in between the fun, partying age and the older-middle age.  My weekends are torn between wanting to go out with friends, and wanting to go to bed at 9pm.  This post described me perfectly!

"Leslie Loves" by Martin Manifesto.  Leslie's post is dedicated to the Nordstrom anniversary sale.  I put myself on a "no-spending" rule for July, so I'm living vicariously through her post for all of the things I wish I was out buying!

"Show Life you Have a Thousand Reasons to Smile" by The Kay Times.  Krystal had some pretty crappy things happen during her week, but her attitude towards it all was inspiring.  She actually did what I try to do each day - find the positives!

"A Little About Me" by Knock on Wood.  I love a good Q&A to learn new things about people.  Amanda even throws in some good jokes here and there which made me wish there were more questions!

I can't wait to see the blogs you loved this week.  Link up below and have an awesome weekend!


  1. Love this link up!!! Off to read these posts.

  2. I have to check these ladies out. Esp number one because I def wasted a lot of time reading that thread!

    1. where are my manners! Thank you for the shout out also :)

  3. Love this! I'm getting ready to hit the road for my brother's wedding, but I'll definitely be catching up on these ASAP!

  4. I am so glad this is now a link-up! Thank you for inviting me and for including me in your list this week!! Off to read new blogsss!

  5. Love this linkup so much & can't wait to join in next week!! (Also excited to check out all of these faves of yours!) Have a great weekend!

  6. I had to join in this week! Hooray for new link ups and now to read new blogs!

  7. Meagan! Thanks so much for hosting this link-up. Love love love it! I'm going to have to start noting my favorite posts throughout the week so I can remember them for Friday! And....thank you so much for including my post in this week's favorites! If you decide to break the no-spending rule, just rationalize it by reminding yourself you're SAVING money bc it's next season's styles ON SALE now! :) Have a great weekend! XOXO

  8. Thanks so much for starting this link up, best idea ever!!! And thanks so much for including my post in your list!! xoxoxo

  9. This is such a great link-up!! I really enjoyed it too - thank you! =) Reading my way through your favorites now :)


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