Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends!  This week has been really busy celebrating A's first birthday and getting ready for her party tomorrow.  The best kind of busy!

This week was a good one in blogland - lots of posts that I loved reading.  Let's get to it:

"Like A Girl" by Ember Grey.  Emily shares an Always commercial (yes, the pads) about what it means to do things "like a girl", and how it should mean strong and confidently.  With two little girls, this hit me hard.  I want them to grow up being confident in who they are, and believing that they can achieve anything.  If you have daughters, nieces, cousins, siblings, etc. please watch this!

"Total Blog Move" by Helene in Between.  Hilarious.  Based of of Total Frat Move, Helene calls out all of us bloggers that have ever done one of these.  (Guilty!)

"I'm Rich and So Are You" by The Florkens.  It's so easy for me to measure my happiness with material things.  (Case in point - we are saving for a new house but I just really really wanted a ring with the girls' birthstones on it.  I know - wah wah!) Kate reminded me that I am already so rich - with non-materialistic things, but with love and joy.

"Wishes for My Daughters" by Love the Here and Now.  Anne writes about things that she wants her three daughters to know while growing up.  I could have written the same thing.  Maybe I'm emotional this week with my "baby" turning 1, but this one struck a chord with me.  Great life lessons!

"25 Beauty Tips and Tricks" by A Hundred Tiny Wishes.  Tabitha compiled her favorite tips and tricks - some of which I had never heard of before.  I tried #5 - totally works!

Guess what??  Ashley from The Grits Blog is designing me a button for Friday Favorites!  Yes, that means that sometime in the near future you too can share your fave posts from the week. I hope you'll join!

Enjoy your weekend!

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  1. These are some fabulous ladies and bloggers! Happy Friday!

  2. thank you so much for the shout out!! :) linking to other bloggers? #TBM

  3. Thanks for the shoutout!!! :) I was loving all of the links you shared too. (Although I did not catch the 25 beauty tricks... on my way there now!) Happy Friday!!

  4. Oh I loved all these posts! I also really love that you shout out bloggers on a Friday :)

  5. Thank you so much for highlighting my post! You are a gem!

  6. I love these posts! And I love this idea :)


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