Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Current Obsessions

Often times, I find a product, song, food, anything really and become fixated on it.  Like, I can't get enough.  I often focus so much on any given thing that the fascination wears out and I've moved on to the next thing.  Today I thought I'd share some of these things with you - no judging please :)

- Covet App.  Clothes, shoes, accessories, hairstyles, makeup!  In this game you enter "events" and dress your avatar accordingly with real life designers.  Others judge your outfit and you can win more clothes, shoes, etc.  I'm sort of obsessed - it's fun to dress someone else with items I wish I had myself.

- (This one is going to embarrass me) "Adore You" by Miley Cyrus.  I know that Miley is a hot mess, but I love this song!  I listen to it in the car and belt it out.  I first heard it while driving home after my Dad had an accident - not sure if it stuck with me because of that, but I still love it.

- Daily Burn.  I've recently jumped on the working out bandwagon.  It's almost swimsuit time (even though it doesn't feel like it in Chicago).  I love this program - $10/month, and they are all online workouts that you can do at home.  You pick your program, pace, length of workout and they do the rest.  So far I've been sore every day so I'm taking that as a good sign.  PS - first month is free!

- My Reef leopard print sandals.  Paired with a fresh pedicure, wearing these makes me feel like it could be summer soon.

- Shameless.  The title says it all, this show is shameless.  The scenerios that the Gallagher's get themselves in to are ridiculous - but we cant stop watching.  We just finished Season 2 on Netflix and can't wait for Season 3.

- Making lists.  I make one for things to do at work, home, ideas for gifts, blog posts, I could go on and on and on.  I love crossing items off!

- Last but not least, my trip to Vegas, which is THURSDAY!  It seriously snuck up on me but I cannot wait to sit by the pool, see Britney and catch up with some old friends.  Girls weekends are the best.

What are you current obsessions?  Anyone else listening to Miley?!


  1. Have fun in Vegas. I like a lot of Miley's songs including this one. It's Miley herself I take issue with haha

  2. Sometimes I put things on my lists that I've already finished just so I can check it off! Ridiculous much???

  3. Told you that you would love Shameless!!!!!!


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