Thursday, April 17, 2014

Finding the Good

It's easy for me to become overwhelmed when something isnt going the "right" way - which basically just means it isn't going how I expected it to.  I can quickly become tied up in the negatives in my life.  Last year, while talking with a friend that was going through some struggles, I told her that she needed to focus on "one good thing every day".  It's like someone else was speaking, as I don't even know where that advice came from, but it stuck with me.  When things start to take a turn for the worse, I remember those words and find something to bring me back up. (Hence the tagline and name for this blog!)

Lately, I have been finding myself needing to focus on one good thing each day more than I'd like to.  Sure, I could write a post about how E and aren't getting along lately (I mean really, how hard is it to get along with a 4 year old?  Turns out it can be difficult), or why we've decided to not put our house on the market, or really shitty things that my friends are going through right now, but instead I've decided to focus on all of the good in my life. 

The people I have met so far through blogging are awesome, and very encouraging.

My pup Charlie cuddled with me all night, didn't leave my side.

Hubby has the day off tomorrow and we are spending Easter Sunday with family.

The sun is shining today!

I got the biggest smile from A this morning when I went to get her up.

Along with these, I've decided to hop on the 101 in 1001 train.  If you haven't heard of this, it's a challenge to do 101 new things in 1001 days.  I love this idea because it will push me to do things that I've always wanted to do, help others in the process, and help myself become a better person.  I also discovered that the end date is after my 35th birthday. (35, really?!)  Check out my list here - and let me know if you have one too!

So, what is the good in your day today?

I am linking up with ember grey and The Grits Blog for Little Friday Link Up!  Check out other great posts here.

The Grits Blog


  1. What a great idea. When life throws you lemons it's great to focus on the sweet part isn't it? Once you start making a list all of the positives seem to outweigh the negatives. Sure w wall have little hiccups in life but no life is perfect. As for getting along with your child; been there, done that. It's natural. At every age this happens. They're trying their boundaries and like us they have good days and bad days. I keep telling myself that there will be great parenting moments and not so great parenting moments. I take the good with the bad and relish the great moments. It's all we can do right? Hope you have a great day!

  2. That is such great advice! It can really help bring out the positivity. When I'm grumpy and can only see the bad, I tell myself to switch gears and try to find something positive. Focusing on the bad never does anyone good.

  3. Great idea! I have beeb feeling blue! I will give this a try! Thanks!

  4. I have also been going through a lot lately. Lots of deaths, sickness and struggle and I couldn't agree with you more. It's so important to find the good (even if it's something little) in everyday. My good for the day is the fact that my hubby didn't realize he was off from work today. Fun family day time!! =)

  5. Hi Megan! I nominated you for a Liebster! Check my Post!


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