The rules - share 11 facts about yourself, answer the 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you, and nominate 11 bloggers. Easy peasy!
11 Facts About Me
1. I have studied abroad twice - once in Japan during high school, and once in London during college. Japan really opened my eyes to the world, London was really fun (cider at each meal? Ok!) I wish I could still speak Japanese as well as I did then. (it was my major for a few years too!)
2. I have lived in Minnesota and Illinois, but my heart will always be in Iowa. If I could figure out a way to convince my husband to move back, I'd be there already. I'm a Midwest girl and Hawkeye for life!
3. I hate coffee, including the smell.
4. I have an overwhelming sense of needing to help every animal I see. Can't go in to shelters, can't watch the commercials, help me if I see a stray. I try to help when I can through donations to our local shelter, but it kills me that its "not enough".
5. For six months during our first year of marriage, the hubby and I lived apart. I got a job in Chicago quicker than expected, he stayed in Minnesota until his company closed. Probably the worst six months ever.
6. I have two sisters - one older and one younger. My younger sister is technically my "step" sister, but I feel like she's been there my whole life.
7. I know that my dog, Charlie, understands me better than some people. His cuddles can cheer me up in an instant.
8. Becoming a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences ever. Most days it is challenging, but when E hugs me after a long day and says "I just love you, mama", it makes it all worth it.
9. I have never broken a bone.
10. I used to sew my own Barbie clothes in elementary school.
11. It's amazing that I write all day at work, then choose to write more for my blog. I've always loved writing.
Here are Anne's questions for me: (I went with Anne's questions because she sent them first!)
Why did you start blogging? I have always read blogs. Mom blogs, style blogs, celeb blogs. I always wanted to share what was on my mind too. I saw a post by Beverly about starting a blog, and thought to just go for it. So glad I did!
If you could have coffee with any blogger, who would it be? Probably Shannon from Life after I Dew. I feel like we have a lot in common, and I love her sense of humor.
What's your favorite season and why? Summer, hands down. Pools, sunshine, late nights on the patio with a cold beer, it can't be beat.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully still in Chicago, maybe a new neighborhood in a house with more room. Maybe with a few more puppies :)
What's the best vacation you ever went on? Tough one. If studying abroad doesn't count, I'll go with St. Thomas two years ago. It was our first trip without the kids and we went with our best couple friend. A week of the beach, drinks, a private boat for one day - pure bliss.
You have a free night. Do you go out or stay in? Depends on the night. If the girls are with their grandparents overnight, we'll go out (so we don't have to wake up in the morning!). I do love lounging at home watching movies with the hubby as well.
What was the last book you read? So sad I don't even know! I think it was Harry Potter?
What's the first piece of advice you would give to a new blogger? Just go for it! Reach out to bloggers that inspire you and soak it all in. Write what you want, not what you think others want. Be yourself.
Cat or dog? I think we've established that the answer is dog!
What's your favorite food? Tough one. Mexican or pizza.
What is your best childhood memory? Luckily, I have a lot. I was blessed with a happy childhood. One thing I will always remember is the summer we got a Nintendo. My older sister and I would race downstairs in the morning because the first person there could be Mario. We'd play for about an hour, then disappear for the day playing in the neighborhood. We'd come home for change for the ice cream truck, eat dinner, go to bed and do the same thing the next day. Ahhh to be young and carefree again!
11 Questions for my Nominees:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What's the last thing you do before falling asleep?
3. What is your dream vacation?
4. Do you ever wish you had a different name? What is it and why?
5. What is your biggest fear?
6. What are you most grateful for?
7. If you could redo one day in your life, which day would it be?
8. What is the hardest part about blogging?
9. What is your favorite tv show?
10. Word Association - what comes to mind with the word "comfort"?
11. What is your life-long dream?
11 Questions for my Nominees:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What's the last thing you do before falling asleep?
3. What is your dream vacation?
4. Do you ever wish you had a different name? What is it and why?
5. What is your biggest fear?
6. What are you most grateful for?
7. If you could redo one day in your life, which day would it be?
8. What is the hardest part about blogging?
9. What is your favorite tv show?
10. Word Association - what comes to mind with the word "comfort"?
11. What is your life-long dream?
And my nominees are....
Ashlen at A Diamond with Sapphires
Laura at Mice in the Kitchen
Jenny at Dancin' with a Dolly
Lisa at Girl Meets Box
Ashley at Afternoon Espresso
Shannon at Life After I Dew
Jenny at Love My Randomness
Kate at Life as a Stay at Home Wife
(Jaimen - this spot is reserved for you - start that blog already!!)
A BIG Thank You to Anne and Beverly for the nominations! Be sure to check out these blogs as well!
Hi Meagan! I just came across your blog via Anne! Just wanted to say HELLO from your newest reader :)
Emily from www.embergrey.com
Love your answers. I love the Midwest too. Life is so much down to Earth and relaxed there. I miss it. I agree 100% about motherhood. Best thing I ever did! I'm so glad I found your blog!