Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wine Country Weekend

Oh, you thought I meant California?  I wish - that one is still on my bucket list.  This weekend my husband and I went away with four other couples to New Buffalo, in southern Michigan.  It's about an hour away from Chicago, far enough but also close enough in case we needed to come back for some reason.  It was our first weekend away since A was born - nine months ago - and much needed.  Saturday we hired a driver to take us to four wineries and a brewery. I had fun at each, but one winery stands out as the winner of the weekend - Gravity.

The location itself was beautiful - on a hill, nice views, quiet.  For once the weather in the Midwest cooperated and we hit 50 degrees and a full day of sun!  We were greeted by Ollie, the "winery dog", so of course I instantly fell in love and began thinking of ways to take him on the bus home with us.  (Don't worry - he stayed at Gravity.)

Their tasting set up was great.  For $10, we each chose four wines to try that came with a pairing - either cheese or chocolate.  Honestly, I would have paid the $10 just the cheese or chocolate, but the wine was an added bonus.  I ended up buying a bottle of Ollie's White (and no, not just because it was named after my newest puppy love).  I'm no wine expert by any means, I just know what I like, and this was fruity and crisp and just perfect for a summer day. 

The hubby and I


 We had a great weekend pretending we were in college again, and will probably be paying for that all week, but it was worth it!  I'm always looking for places to go for quick weekends - what are your favorite spots in the Midwest?


  1. Sounds like a great weekend! I'd love to go wine tasting...sounds fun!

  2. Wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can read about it on my blog. www.lovethehereandnow.com


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