Thursday, May 1, 2014

Vegas with a side of Guilt

If you read my post yesterday or follow me on Twitter, you've seen that I am going to Vegas today.  This trip came about while I was home for Christmas and having lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends.  We started talking about how we were both going to the JT concert (she in Minneapolis, me in Chicago) and that Britney would be amazing to see.  Then... it just happened!  We booked hotel, tickets, flights and began the countdown.

I'm all about girls trips.  I love getting away, having "me" time, catching up with friends.  I get so excited about them and how I'll be able to sleep in, eat what I want, etc.  Then a few days before it's time to go, major guilt sets in.  How could I leave my babies?  My husband?  What about the puppy that only cuddles with me and seriously gets depressed when I'm gone?  I feel like I'm the worst mother ever.  I fear that they will feel abandoned, and then speak of the weekend "mommy went away" years from now in therapy.  I mean, really, can't I just take some time to myself without feeling bad about it?

The answer is YES.  It's so important for women to take time to themselves.  Too often we become embedded in to our "roles" as wife, mother, daughter, friend, that we neglect ourselves.  It's ok to enjoy time away.  It's ok to need weekends for yourself.  Our babies and husbands will be ok.  I have an amazing husband that sees the value in these weekends as well.  His role is reversed as he becomes the primary caretaker, and his wife comes back refreshed.  Everyone is happy (even if my babies ignore me for the first few hours).  They will be ok, and more importantly, I will be ok.


  1. Have a great trip!! And I agree all moms should take a mini break. All!

  2. So true!! I'm the same way with the mom guilt but it's healthy for us AND them if we do this. I love that my daughters get one on one time with just dad. Enjoy yourself; after all you DESERVE it!!!!

  3. Gosh, while I can't 100% relate because I'm not a mom (to a human) yet, I am so glad you pushed through that and remembered that YES you can do this!!!! I LOVE girl trips. I think that time is so needed. So excited for you!

  4. Have a wonderful trip!! While, like Emily, I can't relate to being a human mom - I am a fur mom and feel a tremendous amount of guilt when I leave my furkids at home. BUT when I finally get to where I am getting and I know that my babies are okay, then I feel okay. Enjoy the trip and have fun!!!


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