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|| Brussel Sprouts. I think this is leftover from my childhood - although I don't even remember a time being forced to eat them. I've had them again recently, and I'm in love. Roasted, grilled, with garlic, bacon, so delish. Although pretty much anything with garlic and bacon will have me singing it's praises.
|| Scandal. The first time I watched this, I was sitting in the Tampa airport during a 6 hour delay. My sister convinced me to watch it on my iPad, while we shared one set of earbuds. I couldn't even get through one episode. Last year, I tried again, and it's one of my favorite shows now!
|| Working out. Oh, my love-hate relationship with working out. I will be getting in a swimsuit in two months, so after the holidays I decided to start working out and watch what I eat. I've been counting calories (anyone on MyFitnessPal?) and doing workouts online. I feel so good after working out, and already feel stronger! Plus - I've already lost weight. I'm a believer!
|| Snow/Cold Days. While everyone was at home last week with school and work cancelled around here, I went to work. And it was great. No one to bother me, I wasn't stuck in the house for three days with the littles (who got a little stir crazy) and I got so much done!
|| Country Music. I know this comes as a shock to some of you. But after my girls trip to Nashville, I fell in love. I'm slowly learning it, but have the local country station on my preset in the car now. I even play it on Spotify in the office!
|| Iced Tea. I've given up Diet Coke, which was really difficult. When I go to places like Jersey Mikes or Panera and buy the meal deal, my only options for a drink are soda or sugar filled juice. Oh a whim I tried iced tea (unflavored) and it's really good! Refreshing and something different than water. Plus, isn't there still caffeine?!
|| Not eating sweets. My sweet tooth hates me for saying that. I sort of hate myself for saying that. I love sweets! But when counting calories, it doesn't leave much room for them. Instead, I put some of my grapefruit essential oil in water and it really cuts the craving. (Let me know if you want more information on this one - happy to share with my fellow sweets lovers!)
|| Reading. I loathed reading while in school. I'm sure it's because it was mandatory, and never a book I chose. But now, I live for it. Getting lost in a book is something I have to do as often as possible.
|| Change. Change can be scary, intimidating, something you'd like to avoid - but it's not always bad. Good things can come from change, and that is something I am slowly learning. Change can be exciting!
Are there any things that you thought you really didn't like, only to find out that they weren't so bad? I'd love to hear about them!
In case you missed it, don't forget to enter the Starbucks giveaway below!
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