Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Child of the 80's

Last week, I wrote about my favorite movies of the late 1980's.  Reminiscing about those led me to remembering the really amazing, sometimes questionable fashion choices I made when I was younger.  Granted, at that age most of my clothes and decisions on what to wear were inspired by my mother - but I always had an opinion on what we should be shopping for.  Just ask her, I remembering arguing at the mall about what we should buy for back to school when I was going into first grade!

Let's get right to it, list style.  (And don't judge me for my fashion sense during these decades, I know I wasn't alone!)

|| T-shirt ties.  Do you remember these?  A nice little way to tie up one side of your shirt.

||  Scrunchies.  The bigger, the better.  I had unruly hair that needed a beautiful piece of fabric to hold it together.  Which brings me to...

||  Permed Hair.  Three different times.  With bangs.  Be jealous.

||  Anything with NKOTB plastered all over it.  Shirts, socks, school supplies, sleeping bag, sheets.  Yes, sheets.  Joey was my first crush, afterall.

||  Reeboks.  Not just any Reeboks, but the puffy white high top ones.

||  Tight, I mean really tight jeans.  They were so tight that my sister had to help me get them off over my ankles.  I wish I was kidding.

||  Self-decorated Puffy Paint shirts.  Bonus points if they were made with a spinner.  Anyone else?

I could go on and on, but I think I've painted a pretty good picture of my fashion sense at ages 5-9 (with puffy paint).  I wish I lived closer to my parents so I could add amazing pictures to this post... but then again, maybe I'm thankful I don't!

Linking up with Amanda's List Yourself link up.  

Knock on Wood - List Yourself

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