Monday, January 5, 2015

2015: The Year of ME

I don't like resolutions.  I've never stuck to them.  Also, why pick one day to change your entire way of life?  I do like reflecting on all aspects of my life and picking places that can be improved, but I like gradual change.  So, while I was thinking about how I wanted 2015 to look, I pinpointed things here and there and made a list.  And after looking at the list, I came to one conclusion:  all of my items pertained to others.  Not me.

2015 needs to be all about ME.

Ever since I can remember, I've made decisions based on other people.  How will this affect so-and-so?  Will anyone's feelings get hurt?  Once I became a wife and mother, making myself a priority really went out the window.  The happiness of Tim and the girls (and Charlie!) is most important to me.  But I've been missing years of doing things for myself.  So, 2015 is my year.

I want to be healthy.  I want to look great and be confident in my clothes.  If I need to take thirty minutes to myself while my girls are awake to work out, I'm going to.  But along with that, I will not be so hard on myself if I slip up here and there.

I will make reading more of a priority.  I love getting lost in books, and just haven't made time for it, since high school really.

I will not feel guilty for going on a quick trip with Tim at the end of the month.  Or for a week to St. Thomas in March.  This will take some convincing, but we deserve it!

I will continue to explore in my writing, and continue to post 3-6 times/week.

I will sponsor more blogs and grow my blogging tribe.

I would love to meet another blogger in person - but that's not entirely up to me :)

I will take time out of each day to really talk to Tim.  Ask about his day, and listen to his replies.  Too often we are caught up in the "business" side of marriage - kids, bills, household things - but I will make communication a priority.

We will plan a date at least once a month, even if they are at home dates.

I will be more patient - even when I feel my patience wavering.

The Girls.
I will continue to turn off all electronics on the mornings I am home with them.

We will read every night - no excuses!

Every night, I lay in E's bed and we talk about her day.  I will continue to do this, and start with A. (Even if she doesn't talk back too much!)

 What are your goals for 2015?  Does anyone else have the issue of not putting themselves first?  I might need some reminding throughout the year, but I can't wait to look back and see how different this year was for me. 

Today is Monday so I am linking up with Emily for Grateful Heart Monday.  I'm so grateful to even have the opportunity to be able to make changes for a new year.  Each day is a gift, and cherished deeply.  What are you grateful for today?

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