I feel like time is moving so fast - we are already in April tomorrow, and I feel like we just got through the holidays. I need things to slow down, just a bit. There are so many things going on right now, I thought a good Currently post would help me focus on what is happening today, rather then worrying about the future.
Currently I'm...
Reading: "Uganda Be Kidding Me" by Chelsea Handler. This is my first Chelsea book (shocking, I know) but I am enjoying it. The things she gets herself in to are pretty funny to read about. A good, no-thinker book. I also just read "Reconstructing Amelia", which was great!
Writing: Besides this post, I am putting together stories about my time in Japan for you. The tricky part is remembering the details, and getting my pictures and souvenirs from my Mom's house. I want it to be finished before publishing the first. I find myself adding to posts, switching things from one to the other, so it's taking quite a bit more time than I originally thought!
Listening: Nothing. It's silent - which is a rare but special treat in my house. The girl's are at their nanny's house!
Thinking: About all sorts of things. E's school registration, our house selling, finding a new one, work - just to name a few.
Wishing: That our house would sell already. We've had a lot of activity, so hopefully soon. It's hard keeping it so clean with two littles and a dog - who freaks out every time he has to get in the car for a showing. Poor guy!
Hoping: That once our house sells, we will be able to find our perfect next home. This next one we will be in for awhile, so it has a lot of pressure to be what we want.
Loving: The warmer temperatures lately. 60 today and tomorrow! Although I don't like in between temps (hot or cold only please!), this is a sign that summer is on it's way.
Wanting: For a smooth month of no spending, starting tomorrow. (More on this tomorrow) I need a lot of luck in this area.
Needing: A little time to myself, that doesn't involve anything but a book, wine and a bubble bath.
Eating/Drinking: I just ate a granola bar, and currently drinking water. No coffee for this girl!
What are you currently up to?
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