|| First, I would take the cash option and invest it myself. I don't trust Illinois to pay me every year for 50 years or whatever it is. They can barely give me my tax refund each year.
|| I would set up accounts in each of the girls' names, my soon to be niece, and few extras for future nieces/nephews. It would pay for college of course, but also pay them a modest amount each month once they turn 18. Not enough to live on, but enough to not have to worry if they fall on hard times. I would still insist on them learning to take care of themselves, and how to work for a living.
|| After that is taken care of, I would absolutely charter a jet, fill it with our closest friends, and go on a crazy vacation. I'd take over a lavish resort somewhere and just go all out. Drinks, dinner, outings, everything! I'd also hire nannies to go along so we could all take our kids, but still enjoy evenings out.
|| My house that's for sale? Oh yea, I'd just pay it off and donate it. Then we could move to the area we want to be in, before Kindergarten starts in the fall. Paying in cash, of course. I'd probably hire a decorator and contractor and make the new house exactly how I want it. (Did someone say gourmet kitchen and huge whirlpool tub? Oh yea, that was my dreams coming through.)
|| I'd send my Dad and step-mom to Europe, all first class. He'd get to see Wales, Germany, anywhere he wants. A small token of saying thanks for putting me through college.
|| I'd buy my Mom and step-dad whatever house they wanted. They wouldn't have to worry about selling, because I'd just pay for their current house and then donate it to an animal rescue place in Cedar Rapids.
|| I'd buy both of my parents places near us, so they can come visit any time they wanted, and stay as long as they wanted to.
|| Speaking of donating, I would get involved with a few charities and research organizations to see how they operate before making any kind of financial commitment. I've worked in non-profits my entire professional career and want to be sure that I am making a true investment that will be used for it's intended purpose.
Of course, I'd pinch myself a few times, go shopping (more than a few times!) and say thanks every day for my wonderful blessing.
It's Wednesday, so of course I'm linking up with Anne for Wednesday Wishes. To be superficial, I really wish to win the lottery. Writing out these plans makes me wish I could follow through! I also wish that you fill out my reader survey and enter the giveaway - found here.
What's first on your list if you won the lottery?

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