Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ramble On

And now I will write a blog post that has no real direction.  I apologize in advance, because this is going to be a jumble of thoughts all put together.  I guess that's what happens when you don't blog for six days and have random thoughts to share with the world!

|| I had a wonderful time in Iowa for Christmas.  Four days at home with family.  My girls got a big fix of their grandparents, we had a lot of great food, played really fun games, and I even snuck a nap or two!

|| One of my good friends moved to Texas on Christmas Day.  I will miss her, but am so excited for their new adventures - she deserves it more than anyone else I know.  Plus, Tim and I are going in January, so I'll see her soon.

|| I got some great gifts.  Money for a furniture in a new house (hopefully this Spring), clothes, makeup, and then there was this combo that my sister got me.  Perfection!  BUT, the best part for me was watching my loved ones open their gifts.  Giving trumps getting, hands down.

|| I found a new favorite drink - vodka and Lime LaCroix water.  Like a vodka and soda with lime, but you don't need to cut up the lime.  AKA easier to make at home!

|| I am incredibly thankful that Cedar Rapids has a 24 hour emergency vet.  Poor Charlie had to go yesterday.  We think he got in to something in my Dad's backyard (he lives in the country so who knows what!).  My baby was sick for 24 hrs, not even keeping water down.  A shot, some pills, and fluids made him bounce right back.

|| I absolutely loved seeing all of the Christmas cards that my bloggy friends sent.  I never expected to make "real" friends doing this, but I have and couldn't imagine not having them in my life.

|| Last but certainly not least, I am grateful for a new year to begin.  I will write more about this later this week, but a new year for me means new beginnings, changes, and reflection.

Today is Grateful Heart (Tuesday) Monday, so I am linking up with Emily.  This one is probably a given, but I am grateful for time with my family.  Grateful for friends, and for all of you.

Ember Grey's Grateful Heart Linkup

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