// Jersey Mike's. It's my lunch choice today, and I forgot how fresh and delicious it is!
// Christmas traditions. I love having new traditions with my immediate family, on top of older family traditions. Our newest one is coming to the blog next week!
// Bonding with my sister over family drama.
// Getting a project I've been working on at work done (and funded!)
// Reeses Trees. Is there anything better? Maybe Reeses Pumpkins. Or Hearts. Or Eggs.
// At-home Date Nights. We watched more of Homeland - Season 3. It's becoming a little ridiculous - but I'm hooked. I need to find out what happens - don't tell me! I hope I don't lose interest like I did with these shows.
// Christmas Shopping. I absolutely love this. Picking things out for loved ones, watching their excitement as they open the gift. Gift giving is my fave!
// Packages from bloggy friends. I got an amazing box from Lauren - more on that next week!
// Getting an awesome parking spot at work. This is rare, so when it happens it can really make my whole day.
// E getting her first invite to a birthday party... for someone other than my friends' kids. This is huge, as she is a shy kid... so making new friends on her own is a really big deal! (Even if she doesn't want to go to the party...)
So, what is awesome in your life? Please share the awesomeness!
One more piece of awesome for you.... check out this amazing giveaway, and enter for your chance to win. Good Luck, wouldn't be awesome if you were the winner?!

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