2014 was a big year for All the Joys. I started it, for one. But beyond that, it grew. Not only in numbers, but I feel like writing this blog made me grow, which in turn I think is shown through my posts. We've made blogging friends, we've joined link ups, we've accepted sponsorships. I can't wait to see what 2015 brings.
But first, I wanted to take a moment and look back at my top ten posts of the past year, based on number of views. I love how these posts reflect on who I am, and it was great fun going back and reading them. Let's start with #10, making our way down to #1:
#10: Cash In Your Pockets (or PayPal account!). I still think blogging can be expensive, but I still use these resources for making some extra cash to pay for things. If you haven't read this one, you should. And sign up for the money makers!
#9: BFFs. Ahh, my besties. Love these girls with my everything. We are more like sisters than anything else.
#8: He Blogs!. Tim's blogging debut. He still asks me if this was my most popular post. Sorry honey, #8.
#7: 12 Gender Neutral Grab Bag Ideas. It looks like most of the views on this one were from Google. Makes sense, everyone (including myself) was googling this in December. For the record, I'd like to add what I received from grab bags this year: a brie baker, a glass popcorn maker, and Dunkin giftcards. #winning
#6: Passionfruit: I Quit. Nothing new here. I still despise Passionfruit. I am still owed money, but have come to terms that I will never get it. I repeat: Adproval for the win!
#5: The Rollercoaster of a New Blogger. I'm still considering myself "new", and all of these points still ring true for me. Anyone else?
#4: Friday Favorites: A New Linkup!. I love that this post made my top five. The Blogger Love link up is something that I consider one of my biggest accomplishments of this blog for 2014. It's something that I look forward to every Friday!
#3: I'm Not a Stay at Home Mom. Still not. Read about why I can't be.
#2: Joey, Andrew. Ethan, Paul, Zach, Taylor and Ian. My crushes growing up. Still love every one of them, although Tim (as in Riggins) tops my list. #texasforever
#1: All of the Stitch Fix Posts. Honestly, this one sort of surprised me. But I guess my readers and people googling Stitch Fix really want to see what I get each month. And that makes me happy, because I like sharing it!
(Truth - I intentionally did not include any post that included a giveaway, because those always get more views!)
Were any of these some of your favorites by me this year? Any you wish were on here? Later this week I will be sharing some goals for 2015 - for me, for the blog, etc. I can't wait to see what 2015 brings for All the Joys!
Happy New Year - enjoy tonight but please be responsible! (And send me pics of you in glitter, I love glitter.)
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