Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wishing Well

To kiss and tell... (if you can sing the next line we will be bff!)

I love lists.  I love making a list for anything and everything - "to do" at home, "to do" at work, gift ideas, packing lists, on and on and on.  I sometimes add things to my "to do" lists that I've already done, just so I can cross them off.  I also color-coordinate them - each member of the family has their own color (including the dog!).  When I joined Pinterest my heart sang - I see my boards as lists of things to do.

When Anne from Love the Here and Now contacted me about her new link up, Wednesday Wishes, my heart sang again - I could make another list of things that I wish for my week, weekend, or life in general.  I'm sure that some weeks I will have one wish, others I might have a lot.  Some might be serious, some will be light-hearted, but all will be things that I can hopefully have happen.  Afterall, isn't that the point in wishing?

Love the Here and Now

This week, I am wishing for:
  • A smooth trip to Indianapolis this weekend.  I always get nervous taking the littles for a road trip.  What if they don't sleep?  Get cranky?  Don't have fun?  Will the dog be ok in the car?
  • Some quality time with family.  We are going to Indy to see Tim's cousin and wife.  I love that his family is so close.
  • More time to read my new book.  I know I am so far behind on this, but I just started reading Gone Girl and am hooked. (no spoilers please!!)
  • Strength and courage for some major events going on in my friends' lives. 
  • The most happiest of days for my mom, step-mom and mother in law on Sunday.  (And wishing and hoping that the presents I ordered get there in time!)
Check back next week for the updates as well as new wishes!  What are you wishing for this week?


  1. Oh yes, I am a list person too. I am dying to read Gone Girl!!! It's next on my list :) Have fun in Indy (my hometown)!

  2. Lists....OMG....I live by them! And yours are color coded? You are my hero. I can't wait to talk about Gone Girl with you! Loved it! I remember traveling with my daughters and praying/hoping they slept well. Let's face it; traveling with cranky kids isn't the best but I'm sure they will do just fine! I hope all goes well for your friends; will send good vibes their way.

    Let me know when you're done with the book. Would love to hear your thoughts!

    Thanks for linking up. XXOOXXO

  3. Such sweet wishes! This list is great!


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