Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Rollercoaster of a New Blogger

Blogging is sometimes hard.  Really hard.  And sometimes it's fun and carefree.  Just like with anything in life, there are ups and downs.  As a self proclaimed newbie, I am still learning the ins and outs of this crazy blogging world. The "rules", the lingo, what to do and what not to do.  With all of that comes highs and lows. And because I love lists, here are just a few that run through my mind on any given day:

  • What if no one comments on this?
  • That moment when you leave a comment on a "bigger" blog and don't get a response
  • Really?  Only that many pageviews?
  • Reading passive aggressive tweets and wondering who they were meant for... and "Shit, I hope they didnt mean me?"
  • How in the world am I supposed to "market" this thing? And why does that matter?
  • Wondering if your real life friends are judging you for what you are putting on the internet
  • The fine line of "sharing too much" and not being personable enough
  • Wondering how you will stand out in a world of over 152 million blogs.

  • Getting a new follower on any social media outlet
  • Having your tweet favorited or, even better, retweeted
  • Hearing from someone thanking you for writing what you did
  • Comments!
  • Connecting with other bloggers that you have a lot in common with
  • Sharing your story - the good, bad and ugly
  • Reading posts that change your outlook on life
  • Writing what you want, when you want
  • Social media shoutouts from other bloggers - that weren't paid for.

What have I missed?  What are your biggest highs and lows?  I'd love to hear them!


  1. This is an awesome list! Getting a comment on a post is the best feeling in the world. Oddly, I don't check my page views, so I only pay attention to the comments I receive :)

  2. I love EVERYTHING about this and can relate to every single item on here. It's like you read my mind and wrote this for me.

  3. So true on every single point!

  4. All of these are so true! Great post!

  5. So true! I forget sometimes that, since I love for people to read and comment, maybe I should pay-it-forward! I often read along but forget to comment! Love the blogging community. :)

  6. Completely agree with both of these lists. The fine line is something I have trouble with. I don't want to over share but I want people to relate to me. I still get so excited every time I get a comment and getting social media shout out without paying for it is the best!!

  7. Blogging is totally tough and has soo many ups and downs! I think another high is learning a new simple thing for your blog! I was over the moon when I finally realized how easy it was to make graphics and install google adsense. The lows for sure is when you think you right a great post...and then it's just crickets and tumbleweeds.


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