Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tomorrow is a New Day

Lately, I feel like things in my life have been moving along at speeds that I cannot keep up with.  Every direction I turn, there is something new to deal with, to worry about, to have fun with, to do.  What I really need is for time to stand still for about a week.  Maybe then I could get some things done, figure some things out and really feel on top of my life.  Until then, we have lists.  And I love a good list.

It's Wednesday, which means I link up with my friend Anne for Wednesday Wishes.  This comes at the perfect time this week.  Let's get to it:

  • Right now, or earlier this morning depending on when you are reading this, someone very close to me is putting her body through amazing procedures in hopes of becoming pregnant. It's been a long, difficult road, and I am praying and wishing that this is it.  This has to be it.

  • E had a horrible time with pre-k drop off yesterday.  We were doing so great, and yesterday she just kind of freaked out.  She had to be pulled off of me, then they had to shut the door because she was trying to run out.  My heart hurt so badly.  I camped out in the school office and was told not five minutes later that she was in circle time playing with her friends.  I hope that she was just having an off day yesterday, and this isn't our new normal.  We had a rough go last year with preschool drop offs and I just can't put us both through that again.

  • Last week on Twitter, you might have seen me post that I was at the vet with Charlie.  My little guy had a bad looking bump on his face that we needed to get checked out.  Because of the location, the vet couldn't get a good sample (needles in the face?  No thanks says Charlie!).  He had also been scratching it, so it was infected.  We are treating it as an infected pimple, but there's a chance it could be cancer.  Just writing that makes me tear up.  So, I'm obviously wishing, hoping and praying that he has acne.  Sounds funny, but I'll take a pimply face over a sick pup any day. 

I always try to keep this space positive - and today is no different.  I am an optimist through and through, and can always find something positive in each situation.  Even the things I am wishing for.  And, above all else, tomorrow is a new day.

Love the Here and Now
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  1. Oh, hunny that's a lot going on! I'll definitely be thinking of your friend and your sweet pup (please just be acne!). So sorry to hear about E and preschool. Zander had an off day yesterday too, so maybe it's just something in the air. Thinking of you!

  2. Pet scares are the WORST! Hope it clears up ASAP with treatment. Did your vet suggest skin tags? My dog gets them all the time and they're harmless but terrified me before I knew what they were.

  3. Thinking of you, your friend, Charlie and E today. Hope it all goes well for everyone!!

  4. Aww...Hope everything calms down for you and that all your wishes come true. Liv had a bad day of nursery school yesterday and it's freaking me out and I am dreading tomorrow. I hope it's a better day and I hope your little one does well also. Fingers crossed!!

  5. Lots of thoughts and prayers going out to you in this busy time! I hope all things go well with your friend, E has better days for school, and Charlie is just like a pimply teenager :)

  6. Sending you prayers for a better day and for your friend's treatment, E's drop-offs, and Charlie's bump!! I know how those bad days of sending the littles into nursery etc make a mom hurt :( but here's hoping that she had an off day. Hang in there Meagan!

  7. Oh my, you have some big things going on! I'm so sad to hear about your puppy. I am definitely sending your positive vibes and praying that he will be just fine! I dread the day my pets start having health issues. That is really hard to go through on its own, let alone with other life things demanding your attention. Virtual hugs!

  8. Oh girl...I can completely relate! I was just telling my MIL that I'm feeling so overwhelmed, like I'm letting people down, but I don't even know who or how!! This weekend we have no plans, and I'm hoping I can just catch up!! Hoping you get a catch up day or 2 soon!!

  9. If you figure out a way to pause time for a week {even a day}, please please please let me in on that lil secret! And my thoughts are with your friend, sweet E, Charlie...and you as you deal with all that is going on with the people/pet you love!

  10. I don't know what was up with this week but crazy things have just been happening with everyone! (Hope your little Charlie is ok!)

  11. Sigh. I hope your week got better! Just catching up on my posts from the (very busy) week. So I hope later down my feed I see that your week turned out ok! Evn if not, tomorrow really is another day!


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