Friday, September 12, 2014

Another Week Over, More Blogger Love

First of all, I want to give a big Thank You to all of those who commented, emailed and texted your prayers and good wishes in regards to my post on Wednesday.  It meant a lot - and things are definitely looking up!

I read a lot of great posts this week.  Some made me laugh, some made me think, and some intrigued me.  Each week I find new blogs to follow from your lovely suggestions, and each week choosing just a few to share becomes a more difficult task!  Let's get to it:

"The Best Days of Your Life" by The Contented Wife.  Chelsea's conversation with a stranger made me stop and realize that these days, although sometimes really difficult, will be ones that I cherish and look back on fondly someday.  Major eye opener!

"This is Not the Honeymoon Stage" by Sew My Soul.  While reading Kaitlin's post, I just kept nodding and saying "yes!".  The first year of marriage is not what you'd expect - there are days that are really raw, leaving you to think "What did I sign up for?"  I've been there, and I loved how open and honest she was.

"Lies Bloggers Tell Themselves" by Whispering Sweet Nothings.  I love how Shane wrote each "lie", followed by her advice pertaining to that lie.  It was all great advice - and a post I'm sure I'll go back to again!

"The Struggle for Originality" by the Florkens.  This is something that I often think about.  Will I lose readers if I voice my dislike of fall and everything pumpkin?  The real question should be - Do I care?  We should all focus on ourselves, and try not to fall in to the trend of certain things in life.

"5 Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster" by East &.  I am constantly going back and forth between wanting short hair and long hair.  Right now, it's medium length and I want it long, so I loved this post!  I am going to try the coconut oil mask/massage this weekend.

What were some of your favorites?  Link up and tell us!  A few reminders: Please link up to at least one post from another blogger that you loved from this week.  If you use Twitter, use #bloggerlove and link to me so I can retweet you!  Grab the button if you'd like, and check out some of the other links below.

I'm off to Michigan this weekend with the inlaws and I couldnt be more excited!  We rented a fab house on the lake and I will be taking advantage the time with them, we don't get together nearly enough!  There might also be some cocktails, hot tubs, bonfires and maybe some time to catch up on some reading.  We'll see if my children cooperate. :)

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  1. Thank you so much for the shoutout! You have no idea how much it meant to me to have so many people find something in it that really impacted them! I feel so humbled by it.

  2. Have a great weekend! I'll be checking out your links over the weekend. :-)

  3. Them Florkens, I tell you! They made my list too:)

  4. The Florkens made my list as well! such a great post. I'll have to go check out the others. I hope you have a great weekend. Sounds like a blast!

  5. Thanks so much for the love, Meagan! :) I'm checking out the others now....Have a great time in Michigan!!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing! Headed to read the rest of the posts :) Have a great weekend!

  7. Oh this is great...lots of good reading for the weekend!

  8. Thanks for sharing these great posts! I definitely plan on linking up again this coming Friday. I have seriously been slacking in the blogging world. :(

  9. Some great blog posts .. I hope I can read them all ... with my half read bloglovin list and all! hahah


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