Friday, September 5, 2014

This Week's Faves

It's Friday - and you know what that means, it's #bloggerlove day!  But before we get to that, I'm extremely excited for this weekend. Our seventh wedding anniversary is coming up, and apparently Tim has planned a whole weekend for me. I think, anyway, he said I was busy Saturday and Sunday. He won't tell me a thing, and I'm sort of nervous because I don't know how to dress! I will have to judge my outfits solely on what he is wearing, so this should be interesting!

Now on to a few of my favorite posts from this week:

"The Black Hole of IKEA" by The Daily Tay.  I mean, really, who hasn't felt this while in an IKEA?  There are two in the Chicagoland area, and thankfully the one closest to me is a lot smaller (and less crowded), but it's still overwhelming.  Taylor hysterically and accurately describes the pain otherwise known as IKEA.  I even have a friend that tries to avoid IKEA because bad things always happen in her life while she's there - not kidding.

"How to Tease Your Hair" by The Grits Blog.  My hair is so straight and kind of boring, and always pretty flat.  I've always wanted volume but wasn't sure how to go about it.  Ashley gives a quick and easy tutorial and I can't wait to try it - maybe this weekend!

"10 Ways to Be Happy" by Love the Here and Now.  We've all woken up in a funk at one time or another.  Anne gives a great list of ways to get out of said funk - if even just for a few moments. 

What were your favorites of the week?  Link up and tell us!  Please be sure to include at least one link to another blogger's post from the week that inspired you, made you laugh, or that you just plain loved.  Grab the button if you'd like, and be sure to check out some of the other links.

All The Joys Friday Favorites

Hope you all have a fab weekend!

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  1. Thank you Meagan for sharing my post! I read both of the other ones too. I am so jealous...I have never been to IKEA. It's on my list of things to do though!

  2. so, thanks to blogger, my really awesome super long comment is gone! to summarize: I hope y'all have a great weekend / HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And all of the blogs you listed, I read this week and I completely agree!

  3. I've been kind of MIA from blogland this last week, so I missed all of these posts! Glad you shared! Always love everything you link to!

  4. I am FINALLY getting back on track!! Hooray! I'm heading over to read the Black Hole of IKEA - because that sounds hilarious! (And so, so true)

  5. Sooo excited for your weekend! (I love when Christian surprises me and tells me to "just wear something casual"... it's like- no. That doesn't cut it in girl land. I hope you guys have the best time!! :) Happy Anniversary!

  6. Thanks for these...I love the post about Ikea! I cracked up! And Anne's list...straight to my heart! So good!! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  7. I read and loved all those as well! Have a great weekend , sounds like you will have one :)


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