Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My Life in Emoji's

Confession: Up until about a year ago, I used a Blackberry (the horror!).  My work pays for my phone and phone plan, so I couldn't really complain too much.  Then I got an iPad.  And I thought my life couldn't be complete without an iPhone.  So - the time came that I finally upgraded to the world of Apple.   

I couldn't wait to start using all the apps.  Not to mention sharing photos with other iPhone users, Facetiming with my parents, and the emojis.  When I would get a text on my Blackberry with an emoji (although I didn't know it was that at the time), it was just a little box.  I was always so confused.  Now?  Half of my texts are emojis only.

But... what am I really saying with that cute little picture I picked out? 

Let's discuss.

Wedding Cake/Bride/Bell: I am borderline obsessed with your upcoming wedding, just attended a wedding, or posted a pic of myself at a wedding with a clever hashtag for the just married couple.

Thumbs Up: I use this because I don't want to type "ok", or "sounds good".  This is much more fun, and usually ends the conversation.  How does someone really reply to a thumbs up?

Twin Dancing Girls (Cats?): I am either texting with my best friend, rehashing a really fun night out we had together, or I am texting someone about my children - although it could be about cats, even though I really dislike cats. #sorrycatlovers (Jess I'm looking at you!)

Beer/Martini/Wine Glass: I had a stressful day and am ready for a drink.  Or, I am making plans for the weekend and want to imply that I am ready for a fun night out.  Not to be confused with the Clinking Beer Mugs: Which imply that I want to have multiple drinks and perhaps take way too many selfies in the bar bathroom.

Girl in a Red Dress: (What else do you call this, really?) I am feeling like the life of the party, I do what I want, and don't care what people might say.  I am loving life and want you to know!

Praising Hands/Praying Hands: This means that I am thanking God for something amazing in my life, but sadly, I've seen Jenelle (Teen Mom 2) use it way too much on her Instagram when posting pictures of Nathan.  He is not worthy of praise.

Also, all of these emoji's are in my most recently used emoji section, along with (weird, I know!)  What is your favorite emoji?  When do you use it most?

Today is Wednesday, which means it's Wednesday Wishes.  Why can't emojis be used in blogger?  That would really add something to my posts.  I mean, I could probably relay an entire story to you in little pictures.  I've done it in text, it's fun!  Blogger - let's make this happen!

Love the Here and Now
Also - there's still time to enter my 100th post giveaway!  Check it out here.

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