Thursday, February 26, 2015

Our Plan Isn't THE Plan

I'm a planner.  I like to know what is happening, and when.  I love to plan our girls trips, get togethers, day to day activities.  I like a plan.  But sometimes, my plan isn't the plan, and that's been an adjustment the past few days.

It's been a whirlwind of a week.  Just as we were recovering from A's health scare, my Mom came in to town to help take care of her while I had to go to work.  You've probably seen me mention that we are planning (again with the plans!) on moving this Spring, starting with putting our house on the market after our upcoming vacation.

I've been looking at houses online just to keep an idea of what's coming on the market as we are getting close to being serious.  On Tuesday, the "perfect" house showed up in my search and we knew we had to go see it.

Seeing it turned in to putting an offer on it (eek!) and me scrambling to get our house list ready, on the off chance that they actually accept our offer.  It's a long shot, as it's only been on the market two days and our offer is contingent, but having our plans completely switch around has me stressed out! #cuethewine

This is a hard lesson for me, but I'm slowly starting to realize that it's the truth.  I can't plan everything.  Some things just happen when they need to, and I'm slowly coming around to that.

Maybe, hopefully, I can learn to let go and just trust.

Speaking of plans, how would you plan on spending this?  Good Luck!

Check out these beauties, and then get entered below!

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