Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Oh So Happy + Giveaway

You know, there really is a lot in life that make me happy.  Every day things like chocolate, smiles from the littles, a heartfelt hug from my husband.  To the bigger moments, like hearing that I am going to get a niece this summer, or starting to pack for our upcoming move.

Even with those things, I've been needing daily reminders of these happy moments - simply looking through my phone camera, images of happy are all over the place.  (Including the 20+ daily selfies from A!).  Today I'm sharing just a few of those -

1.  As much as I love winter, my littles are getting antsy being inside all day every day.  Uncooked noodles to the rescue!  A sat and played with these for a good 30 minutes, which for a toddler, is a lifetime.

2.  E's Valentine to Daddy.  I asked her why she loved Daddy, and then wrote her responses.  Some of my favorites - "He makes me yummy food" and "He takes me trick or treating".  Adorable.

3.  My silly boy, Charlie.  He sleeps in the weirdest positions!  His favorite spot?  Under the covers with me, all night.  Doesn't he get hot?  But I wouldn't have it any other way.

4.  I've started to clean out the girls' closets and have come across so many items that give me all the feelings.  This one is what A wore on her first birthday (with a cute pinkish tutu and a gold hairbow).

5.  Fruit.  Chocolate covered fruit.  Need I say more?  (Maybe I should add that this lasted about 20 hours in my house, oops!)

What has made you happy lately?  You can see more of my happy on Instagram.

Linking up with Tabitha for #imagesofhappy.

a hundred tiny wishes

I know something that will make one of you very, very happy.  $175 cold, hard cash.  When asked which blog you are entering from, please enter All the Joys!  Enter below, and Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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