Friday, February 20, 2015

Blogger Love v.29

Each week, this little link up amazes me more and more.  New people join, great new blogs (to me) are shared, and I connect with more and more people.  I hope you'll join me again and share your favorite posts from the week!  Also, don't forget to check out the end of this post - I have two giveaways for you!

Let's get right to my faves:

"Putting It All Out There" by The Daily Tay.  Tay writes about her lifelong dream, and why she is working towards it.  I wholeheartedly agree - dreams should never just be dreams.  Do what you need to to make them a reality!

"Carnival Confessions" by The Kay Times.  I love learning about different cultures and their customs.  Kay shares with us about Carnival - where the entire country shuts down to celebrate.  I've decided that someday I need to experience this for myself!

"Introducing: Adproval Courses" by Sage.  I made the switch to Adproval and couldn't be happier.  Cassie is offering courses on why and how to switch or choose Adproval, and it just makes me happy.  I wish every blogger would use them!  You can read more about my decision to switch here)

What were your favorite posts by other bloggers this week?  Share them with us below!  Click around, say hi, and find some new blogs to follow!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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