Today I'm linking up with Amanda for List Yourself. I love this idea of a link-up - it's based on a book that Amanda read, where it gives you prompts to make lists. The point is, at least in my opinion, is to make these lists and discover more about yourself. Plus, tell me a blogger that doesn't love lists and I'll give you chocolate.
Today's prompt is: List all the qualities in yourself you the least - and the best.
Qualities I like the least
|| I'm sometimes judgmental. I really try not to be, but I usually judge people based on my first impressions - good or bad.
|| I forgive easily. This could also be a good trait, but I've been burned by a few exes because of this. I've learned to stand my ground and make people earn my trust back.
|| I'm lazy. I hate working out, I hate cleaning, and most days I just want to lay on the couch and watch tv. There are exceptions to this of course - deadlines at work, playing with my girls, spending time with loved ones. But if I'm home alone (rare) or during naptime? Yea I'm usually not doing anything productive.
|| Going with the above, I procrastinate. In college, I would almost always write my papers and study the day/night before. Still true today - and my real life job revolves around deadlines. It stresses me out!
|| I'm not always the most patient. This is something I'm really trying to work on, especially with my girls. Some days they just really test me, and some days I snap. :(
Qualities I like the best
|| I give good advice. People ask my opinion on things, ranging from childrearing to fashion. Maybe it's because I say what's on my mind, not always what they want to hear.
|| I love. And I love deeply. My friends and family mean the most to me, above all else. I will go out of my way to make sure they are happy.
|| Besides the patience bit above, I'm a good mom. I love my girls, let them have fun, but also teach them how to be good people.
|| I make people laugh. I'm sarcastic, and you can always count on me for comic relief.
|| I'm organized. Bills, budgets, groceries, packing - I do it all. My attention to detail is spot on and comes in handy every day.
|| I'm a great judge of character. My first instinct is almost always correct.
When I first started writing this prompt, I was a little nervous. Did I really want to lay out all of my best and worst qualities for the whole internet to see? Of course I did. As intended, this post has made me look at myself in a new way. And in the end, isn't that how we grow and become better people?
We're going to let my girl Kate Spade sum it all up:
I am wishing for more patience with my girls. Also to finally get myself in gear and drop the laziness. I need to work out, clean, get organized. So much to do!
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