Monday, November 24, 2014

Family, Friends and the Hawkeyes

I told you Friday that I was going to Iowa to tailgate, watch the Hawks, and relive my college days.  I did just that... and more.  As promised, I did make it back for Monday, even if I am feeling quite old today.

Tim's best friend and his wife went with us and we made the best of our weekend together!  Saturday started early, as all Iowa tailgating days do.  We bundled up, made hot chocolate with Bailey's, and remembered life as teenagers as my Dad drove us to our tailgating destination. 

In case you don't know, we played Wisconsin.  Tim is the oldest of twenty three grandchildren.  23.  Including spouses, seven of us are Hawkeyes and five are Badgers - so far.  It's a family rivalry and we love to give each other a hard time.  Some of us met for the day, and it was so much fun.  I love spending time with our families - there is so much love, fun and memories made each time.

Today I'm thankful for my parents - who drove us to Iowa City, watched the girls all day, and then made the trip back to pick us up later that night.  I'm grateful for Tim and his family and all of the love there.  I'm grateful for friends that feel like family.  Most of all, I'm thankful that both Tim and I chose to go to school at Iowa.  If we hadn't, we never would have met - and none of this past weekend would have happened.

Being in Iowa City reminded me just how old I am - but we still managed to have a great time.  I finished the day with a Marco's grilled cheese, and for that, I will never be too old!

Linking up with Emily.

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