Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Plan

I'm a planner by nature.  Trips, big decisions, projects, even my blog posts are planned in advance. I used to be more spontaneous - back when adult things didn't rule my life (like a career, kids, house, bills and the like).

The most spontaneous I get these days are "Let's go out for dinner!" or "I just bought myself a nice purse!".  Everything else = planned.

So, when we put our house for sale, I had been planning it for months, if not close to a year.  When we would list, how much, what I needed to do to prepare, etc.  Earlier this month, we accepted an offer on our house - which was right on schedule with my plan.  We started looking at houses and prepared to move this summer.

Then, God must have decided to teach me a lesson because our buyers pulled out of the deal.  We now have to re-list and start all over.  This was not part of my plan.

I've spent a lot of time the last week reflecting on everything that happened.  Why?  When will we move?  What school will E go to in the fall?  When should I look for a new nanny?  And I've come up with one answer - It's not up to me.  I am learning, stubbornly, to let go and go along with The Plan.  You might have seen on twitter or instagram nice little reminders to myself - to choose to react positively to situations, and to find something good in them.

So, that's what I'm doing today. 

Reasons Why Not Moving Right Now is OK:

|| We will save more money

|| If E goes to the school we are currently zoned for, she will know some friends already from preschool

|| I still have my short commute (about 12 minutes).  When we move, it will be more like 45

|| I don't have to pack

|| Until we re-list, I don't have to keep my house perfectly clean and tidy

|| We still have our great neighbors (who also happen to have a pool, bonus)

It's hard to give up control.  It's difficult to not have a plan.  But I have to trust that The Plan is better than anything I could have came up with myself.

Letting go now....

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