Thursday, April 2, 2015

Reader Survey Results & An Announcement

Since celebrating my blogiversary last week, I have been reflecting on what I want to make of this space moving forward.  I love where I've been, what I've shared, who I've connected with.  But what else could I do?

I got to thinking about my first couple of months as a blogger last year.  I started not knowing what in the world I was doing.  And in a lot of cases (specifically technology and all things computer), I still don't.  But I think that's a big reason why I still love doing this - there is always something to learn.

Your feedback was important to me because I want this to be a place that my readers want to come to each time I post.  I appreciate all of you who took the survey - it provided a lot of information, and a few laughs!  Let's get to it.

Question 1: How long have you been reading All the Joys?
43.5% "I'm new! Less than three months"
28% "At least six months"
20.5% "At least three months"
7% "Since the beginning"

I'm guessing that "I'm new!" got the most responses because of the giveaway, but I'm hoping they'll stick around.  Also, thank you to the 7%!

Question 2:  How often do you read All the Joys?
48% "Every time there is a new post"
38% "1-2 times a week"
13% "A few times a month"
1% "Hardly ever"

I'm glad that the 48% and 1% weren't reversed!  I was expecting most of the answers to be either "every time" or "1-2 times a week", and I'm happy that the results reflected that.

Question 3:  How do you find out about new posts?
72% "Bloglovin'"
14% "I go to"
8% "Twitter"
2% "Email updates"
2% "Facebook"
2% "Feedly"

No surprises here.  I use Bloglovin' the most as well, as I think most of us do?

Question 4:  Which posts are your favorites? (of total answers, more than one answer per respondent)
19% "Random Life Posts"
14% "Crafts/DIY"
13.5% "Link Ups, including Blogger Love"
13.5% "Recipes"
10% "Blogging"
9% "Travel"
8% "Mommy Related"
7% "Reviews, both Sponsored and Not Sponsored"
6% "Sponsor Highlights"

I expected "random life posts" to be number one here, since that is where most of posts fall.  The one that surprised me?  Crafts and DIY!  I do have some ideas in this area, so I will give the people what they want!

Question 5: Which posts are not your cup of tea?  (of total answers, more than one answer per respondent but not everyone responded)
31% "Sponsor Highlights"
29% "Mommy Related"
9% "DIY/Crafts"
7% "Link Ups, including Blogger Love"
7% "Blogging"
5% "Reviews, both Sponsored and Not Sponsored"
5% "Travel"
2% "Recipes"
2% "Random Life Posts"

The good news here is that these responses were pretty consistent with what your favorites are.  Sponsor Highlights and Mommy Related posts are not the favorites.  Good for me, they don't happen too often!

Question 6: How did you find All the Joys? (This was an open-ended question)
Most responses either fell in to "I don't remember" or "Another blog".  Those other blogs that were mentioned were Amanda Moments, Knock on Wood, Love the Here and Now, and Ember Grey.  (Go get your ad space now!)

There were a few responses that included Pinterest and Facebook, which I was pleasantly surprised by.  It also reaffirms that I need to step up my game in these areas!

Question 7:  Do you have any suggestions to make All the Joys better? (This was an open-ended question)
You all are too sweet.  I didn't receive any negative feedback!  Most of you encouraged me to "keep doing me", which was awesome to hear.  I had one very specific message - and I'm working on the kitten thing ;)

One piece of advice I got was to add more sponsorship opportunities.  This is something I've been thinking about for a long time.  Today I'm happy to announce two new sponsorship opportunities, and an addition to the Full of Joy spot!

Sprinkle of Joy gets you an ad on my sidebar, under the Full of Joy spot.  It includes social media shoutouts for both new and archived posts.

New Found Joy is for new blogs - less than six months old that have less than 100 followers (determined by Bloglovin').  This gets you an ad on my sidebar, under Full and Sprinkle, and includes social media shoutouts and introductory post.  (All New Found Joy's will be in one post).  The reason that this spot is for new bloggers only is because it is FREE.  When I first started, sponsoring blogs was an overwhelming process for me - but completely necessary to connect with other bloggers.  I want to pay it forward!   

Also - ALL sponsorship opportunities includes the option to participate in a quarterly giveaway!  Even if the giveaway takes place after your sponsorship ends, you will have the option to participate.

You can find all opportunities here.

This was a long post full of information, but I wanted to say thank you for taking my survey and helping me make this a great space.  I love coming here and hope you do too!

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