My Dearest "E",
Somehow, in some way, you turned five this week. Every year on your birthday, your Daddy and I sit and reminisce about that day. How I was in labor for 42 hours with you. How you got a little impatient during those hours, but were so stubborn you wouldn't work with me. How we stayed awake all night (the second night of labor) watching your heart rate on the monitor, and how scared we were each time it dropped. And every year, we thank God that you were born healthy.
Last year, I marveled at the fact that you had become a big sister, and was amazed by your never-ending love for A. I am still am amazed by that. Sometimes, you are the only one that can calm her down, and in the morning you gladly jump in her crib and read stories together. This past year, you have learned so much in pre-kindergarten. You can write any word, just by sounding it out, and know so many sight words. You read stories on your own, and are constantly asking Daddy and I about the world around you.
This year is special because in the fall you will be going to Kindergarten. I can't wait to see your friendships grow, your knowledge and love for learning blossom, and the bond with A to deepen.
I hope you never lose your love for life - and always know that we love you "a million kagillion".
Love, Mommy
Some of your favorites: Princesses, (still) My Little Pony, coloring and crafts, puppies and kittens, cake pops (only from Starbucks!), gymnastics, snap peas and chicken nuggets.

-Linking up with Emily for Grateful Heart Monday.
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