Major life changes are never an easy transition. Getting engaged, having a baby, changing jobs, or moving, among so many others, always comes with a series of emotions. Everyone deals differently, and not everyone will react the same way to these changes. With our upcoming move to Dallas, we are inevitably facing a lot of new things. By now, I have a good handle on my feelings towards this new life of ours, but I what I wasn't ready to encounter were other people's reactions.
When we (finally) get there, I won't be looking for a job. That doesn't mean I won't ever work out of the home again, but we are fortunate enough to not have to rely on my income. While telling coworkers and colleagues about our upcoming move, they of course want to know where I will be working in Dallas. The shock, and yes, sometimes horror on some of their faces when I say I won't be working has been nothing less than offensive.
Why is it so wrong to be a stay at home mom? Why shouldn't I be the sole caretaker of my children if we can afford to do so? E and A are little, and are going through a huge change as well. We both feel that if I am home it might help with the transition. And really, isn't this what I have always wanted?
But even more...
Why do I feel like I have to defend myself? As women, we should each be able to define ourselves. And we should never be limited in those definitions. I will never be "just a mom", no mother is. I am a wife, a friend, a daughter, a professional, and so so much more. We all are.
Throughout this whole crazy month, I have learned a lot about myself, and those around me. But the number one lesson is that I can't control others reactions, but I can control how I react to them. And to those negative reactions - being "just a mom" is the best job I've ever had, and I'm more than grateful for that label.
Linking up with Emily for Grateful Heart Monday.
Linking up with Emily for Grateful Heart Monday.

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