Remember when I wrote about how we were putting our house on the market? Shortly after doing so, we realized that our plan wasn't the plan, and although it took a lot of inner turmoil, I finally learned to trust in that.
I didn't mention anything, because I still believe in jinxing things, but in early June we accepted an offer on our house. We actually had another offer, from this man that kind of stuck around. He went way under asking, and we just said "no". Having that on the table helped with the second offer, and it was extremely close to our asking price!
I can say now that we have closed on our old house, and it's a done deal.
Good, right? Mostly. I was in such a hurry to sell that house, that when it came time to actually pack up, all of the emotions that I had hidden away started to come out. On the last day before closing, the house was empty. I was there waiting for the final meter reading by myself (mistake #1). I just walked around, room by room, (mistake #2), and all kinds of memories came flooding in.
|| Moving in, while seven months pregnant with E
|| Having a painting party with my girlfriends (the whole house was wallpapered when we bought it!)
|| Bringing E home from the hospital
|| Bringing A home from the hospital
|| Sleepless nights in A and E's rooms - while picturing them as newborns in their cribs
|| Celebrating new jobs, new friends, and entertaining our best friends
|| Adding our touches to each room, making the house our home.
And so so many more. I just sat in the empty living room and cried. Do you ever have those moments where all of the emotions you haven't let yourself feel for months just come pouring out? That was me. The poor meter man that showed up had no idea what he was getting in to!
Now, of course, the next question is "Where are you going?" That, my friends, is a whole other post that will be happening in the next couple of weeks.
Until then, I will leave you with this picture - this is what it looks like to have all of your most important belongings in your car, while jumping from house to house. (A big thank you to our friends and inlaws for having us!)
Beer front and center. Priorities. |

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